14. Fate - A father's love

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A/N: Whoops, got a bit carried away and wrote a bit more than usual.




"Eddy, I really do care about you."

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"So it's not just a blood thing?"

"No, of course not! It's more than that. It's most definitely not just a blood thing!!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. Thanks."

"I really, really, do, Eddy..."


Eddy recalled the sensation of being nuzzled in the crook of his neck. It was a strange sensation to him. Being extremely sensitive to touch, Eddy had gradually felt it to be rather sensual if it wasn't for the blood-sucking that followed. He felt the dilemma and guilt for having strange thoughts and feelings about the secret ritual he now had with Brett.

Eddy sensed it was early in the morning and that he was lying in his bed. He thought to himself that he could indulge in his dream for just a little longer, in the sensual feelings that the thoughts of nuzzling brought him. It was, after all, a very intimate touch he was receiving from Brett as Eddy was yet to know any else of the kind. Eddy ever so slightly tucked in his chin towards his left shoulder, narrowing access to his left collarbone on purpose in hope that he'd receive more nuzzling. As expected he felt a sensation of Brett's lips tracing where Eddy's jawline met his shoulder, in an attempt to get in between. By slowly allowing access by gradually increasing the gap between his jawline and shoulder, Eddy was rewarded by Brett's lips trailing down his neck, nearing his collarbone. Eddy couldn't help let out a soft moan disguised as a sigh. He felt Brett's chest pushed against his and felt the beats of Brett's heart, Eddy's own gradually increasing in tempo to synchronise with Brett's rhythm.


Eddy imagined Brett's voice calling out his name. Eddy wondered if he should reply to it. He never had, ever, when Brett was nuzzling him or taking a drink, as he thought it would just get too weird if he started moaning and calling back his name. But maybe just during a quick session of fantasising, perhaps he could indulge in it just a teeny tiny bit..? Eddy let out a soft whisper;


Eddy instantly regretted it and cringed internally. That sounded too weird for his liking. Embarrassed, Eddy shook his head. As he did, he felt Brett's lips move along his neck, chasing that sweet spot he always bit into.

Eddy furrowed his brows. The sensations were feeling quite real. Too real.

He then thought the initial conversation he had with Brett was a bit too relaxed and casual for it to be real. So perhaps he dreamt that bit. But the rest? The sensations had such a realistic feel to them...

Eddy slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he noticed was that it was still dark in his bedroom. The second thing he noticed was that his tiny bed, already way too small for Eddy alone, was giving out tired creaks under the weight of not just one but two young men.


Eddy this time actually heard and recognised the voice that whispered his name. The realisation that he was no longer dreaming startled him and he shot opened his eyes as he stammered.

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