16. The forbidden taste V - the girl in the woods

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"A human..."


Eddy heard Brett swallow hard.

Eddy still had his hands on Brett's arms and he tightened his grip. Brett looked up at Eddy's face.


Eddy widened his eyes as he slowly shook his head.

"Brett... no..."

Brett lowered his voice.

"Eddy, let go of me."


Eddy closed his eyes and let Brett's arms go. Brett proceeded to flash his very charismatic smile as he approached the young woman.

"Hi, yeah, sure we can walk with you.."

"Yeah? That's great, thank you so much."

Brett started to walk along with the young woman. Eddy watched anxiously as the two, who were about the same height, walked side by side, straight past him. Eddy bit his lower lip as he quietly followed them a few metres behind.

"What about your.. friend? Is he okay?"

Brett flashed another warm smile.

"Oh.. he's.. he's like my brother...he's okay, he's just a little shy.."

The girl cast back a glance towards Eddy. Eddy looked back at her, eyes wide with fear which he was unable to hide.

"Is anything bothering him......"

Before she could finish her sentence, Brett placed his hands on the woman's shoulders and pulled her in and sank his fangs into her neck. Eddy witnessed the terror in her eyes.


The scream did not come from the young woman. It was Brett who screamed and pushed the young woman away from him. The young woman fell to the ground. She seemed to be in too much shock to say or do anything.

Eddy called out;


Brett doubled over and spat out the mouthful of blood he had taken. He coughed and sputtered.

Alarmed, Eddy stepped towards him. He rubbed Brett's back as he leaned over to look at Brett in the eyes.

"Brett..!?!? Oh no..not again.. her.. blood.. was it not good..?"

Brett shook his head as he let tears stream down his face.

"I... I thought I could replenish myself with her.. I.. I haven't had a drink in a week.."

Brett's jawline was smeared with blood that he had spat out.

Eddy neared his face towards Brett's. Brett was still breathing heavily, trying to calm down from his violent reaction towards the blood he had just tasted. Between gasps, Brett muttered;

"It.. it tasted awful Eddy.. almost like what it was like when I was five.."

Eddy stammered in confusion;

"I.. I don't understand it Brett...why couldn't you drink her blood when you now like mine so much...."

Then Eddy noticed the smell of blood and flinched.

Eddy didn't know what was going on with Brett nor with himself.  Eddy's eyes glazed over in a euphoric trance as he neared his face even further to Brett's. Eddy was no longer looking at Brett's eyes, his focus was on the blood dripping from the corner of Brett's mouth and along his jawline. Eddy couldn't resist it. He moved his hand that was on Brett's back and placed it on Brett's shoulder, then leaned in. When he was close enough, Eddy let his tongue out and licked the drop of blood that had pooled at the tip of Brett's chin. Brett's eyes slowly opened, still unaware of what was actually happening. Eddy continued to travel his tongue along Brett's jawline, collecting the blood Brett had spat out. Eddy then let his tongue lick the corner of Brett's mouth, then he proceeded to trace along Brett's lips from one corner to the other. Brett stammered;


"OMG Brett.. this is..so..."

At the corner of Brett's mouth Eddy momentarily stopped for a very short time to catch his breath, he then let his tongue start again, tracing back along Brett's lips.

"Eddy..? What are you doing..."

"I...I want more..."

Brett's eyes had remained widened, he was immobilised with shock.

It wasn't until Eddy pushed his tongue in between Brett's lips, trying to taste any remnant blood inside his mouth when Brett moved.


Brett had pushed Eddy away and Eddy's body jolted back and his eyes shot open. Brett cautiously eyed out Eddy who was breathing heavily. He looked confused and in a daze. Eddy then flinched as if he remembered something and he slowly turned away from Brett and walked towards the young woman on the ground. She appeared still in shock and was quietly sobbing with her eyes closed.

Brett knew there was something very wrong with Eddy. In an ordinary circumstance, Eddy would have apologised for his strange behaviour or at least acknowledged the presence of Brett but instead had completely ignored him.

Eddy stopped and stood in front of the young woman, towering over her for a moment, he was staring at her slender neck with the two puncture wounds made by Brett. He then got down on his knees, placed his hands on the woman's shoulders and by the time the young woman managed to open her eyes and look up, Eddy had already latched onto the puncture wounds and had started sucking her blood. The woman cast a look towards Brett of absolute horror. Likewise, Brett was absolutely mortified and confused.

Brett had momentarily lost the sense of time as he gazed at the bizarre scene in front of him but then he noticed the woman was looking significantly paler. Brett briskly stepped over to Eddy and placed his hands on the taller's shoulders and yanked back.

"Eddy!! That's enough..!!"

It took Brett a significant amount of strength to pull Eddy away from the young woman. Brett turned Eddy around so that they faced each other. Eddy was still in a daze. The lower half of his face was covered in blood and Brett thought Eddy was such a messy drinker. But then again, as far as Brett had known Eddy, it had to be his very first drink so it was no wonder he was sloppy. Eddy's face was in total bliss albeit also in utter confusion. He was breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon. Brett gently shook Eddy's shoulders.



"Oh good.. Eddy.. do you know where you are?  What you've been doing?"

"Um.. I was.. I was having a .. drink..??"

"Eddy, yeah.  You were having a drink.  Eddy, I had to stop you, otherwise you would have killed her.."

They cast an eye towards the young woman who lay unconscious on the ground.


"Eddy? Eddy! What's going on..? ...Did you ..like it..??"

Eddy slowly nodded. He started to shake as he replied.

"Yes.. yes I did..."

Brett looked up into Eddy's face.

'Eddy.. your colouring.. it's improved so much. You actually look 100 times better than before."

"I.. I do feel much better than before.."

"I... I don't understand.. so you actually liked it..? Since when do you drink blood?"

Eddy, now coming to the realisation of what he had done, looked scared.

"It.. it was my first time.. I never ever experienced such an urge.."

"And besides, her blood... it tasted awful...!!"

Eddy gasped.

"Brett.. I've never tasted anything as wonderful, I would have drunk it all had you not stopped me."

Brett shook his head in confusion.

"I can't believe this... what the hell is going on...!?!??"

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