6. The forbidden taste II - wild strawberries

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A few days later, Brett noticed Eddy walking along the grounds and he ran up to him.



Eddy gave his usual neutral response. He wasn't in a position to hold grudges. In fact, he felt guilty and embarrassed for crying in front of Brett and ended up being comforted by him. Eddy was after all 16 years old and was aware that you don't start sobbing at such age just because you get scared of something, albeit it is not every day you get blood sucked from your finger by a vampire. Eddy was actually grateful that Brett approached him in his usual way as if nothing had ever happened between them.

"Where are you off to Eddy?"

"I gotta go pick some wild strawberries near the forest."

"Great! Can I come? I can help you"

"It's my chore. I would get into trouble if you helped me."

"Oh. But, um, I could still come with you if I wanted to, right?"

Eddy shrugged.

"Yes. Of course you can. You are allowed to do whatever you like."

"So Eddy, why are you picking these? Do they taste nice?"

"Apparently they do. Wild strawberries are said to taste a bit like blood, so vampires like them."

"Wow. Have you ever tasted any?"

"No, I'm not allowed to. I've only been told to pick them."

Brett let out a cheeky grin.

"Oh c'mon Eddy, they're not gonna find out if we try a few are they?"

Eddy let out a little smile.

"Brett, you're welcome to try them. It's just that I'm not."

Brett looked at Eddy. He reached into Eddy's bucket, picked out a large plump wild strawberry, and held it with his fingers in front of Eddy's face.

"Open your mouth, Eddy."

Eddy's eyes momentarily shifted between Brett's face and the wild strawberry held up in front of him. His cheeks warmed up to a pink blush. Ultimately Eddy had no choice. He obeyed and opened his mouth.

Brett gently pushed the fruit between Eddy's lips. Eddy's widened his eyes anxiously.

"Eddy, it's okay. I made you do it. Go on, chew it. Tell me what it tastes like."

Eddy closed his eyes as he bit into the fruit. The plump fruit burst and its juices dripped from the corner of Eddy's mouth. His eyes shot open.

"What? What is it Eddy?"

"It.. it tastes delicious...!! I've never tasted anything like it."

"Really? Oh wow, let me try one.."

Brett popped a wild strawberry into his mouth and bit into it.

The next instant he gagged.

"Brett!! Are you alright!??"

Brett doubled over and spat out the fruit. He was in a coughing fit. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Eddy worriedly tried to pat Brett on his back. Brett flicked Eddy's hand away in anger. He yelled in between his coughs;

"Eddy!! You ..lied to me!! ..It tastes ...disgusting..!!!"

Eddy widened his eyes in horror.

"What?? No!! I didn't lie!"

"How.. how could you possibly say they ...taste nice?! They... they taste awful!!"

Eddy reached behind his hip and pulled off a small water bottle that was attached to his belt.

"Here Brett.. if you don't mind that it's my drinking bottle, use this to rinse your mouth out.. there aren't any taps nearby in this area of your parent's property.."

Brett nodded and grabbed the bottle and took a swig to rinse his mouth and spat it out.

Eddy reached out again and placed his hand on Brett's back, he moved his hand up and down along Brett's back in an attempt to comfort him.

"Brett, I swear, it did taste nice to me!! I.. I would never lie to you, I couldn't !! Are you okay? I'm sorry you didn't like it.."

Brett must have felt better after washing his mouth out with water. He looked a bit calmer than before.

"Eddy...we're not talking about not liking something.. it tasted so awful... it.. it reminded me of the time I tasted your blood when I was 5 years old.."

"I.. I'm sorry Brett... But I honestly thought the wild strawberry tasted nice. Please believe me."

"I know Eddy.. I know you would never lie.. I'm sorry for accusing you that you had.."

The cook who sent Eddy to pick wild strawberries was livid and yelled at Eddy.

"Eddy!! What is this stain on your shirt? What is that red stuff on your face?"

"I.. I'm sorry, I found a wild strawberry that was mostly eaten by bugs.. so I just had a taste..."

"You are NOT to eat ANYTHING that belongs to the Masters without permission!!!"

"I.. I'm sorry, I won't ever do it again, I promise!!"

"Besides, they must have tasted foul to you. I'm surprised you didn't throw up. They usually induce vomiting in humans"

"Oh.. yes, I.. I didn't like it at all. I think I was okay because I only tried a small amount.."

"Eddy, you have been warned, don't you ever eat any food that I've sent you to pick for the Master's family."

"Yes.. I promise..!!"

That night in his little bed, Eddy wondered about what happened near the forest. His heartbeat quickened when he thought about how Brett's slender fingers brushed against Eddy's lips as the wild strawberry was pushed into his mouth. How Brett's strong gaze pierced through Eddy as he commanded Eddy to chew on the fruit. The combination of having a forbidden fruit pushed in between your lips gave the whole situation a rather sensual feel to it. And then the taste of that juicy fruit... Eddy was so puzzled. Why did he find it so tasty when the cook had said that most humans would find its taste foul..? Then there was the other question...why did Brett find the fruit so awful? Was he just a picky eater or was there another reason?

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