22. Fate IV - unacceptable destinies

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Brett looked up towards his parents.

"What about the annex then? It's adjacent to the main wing but it has a separate entrance like this sunroom. We will stay out of the main wing unless invited."

Brett's father raised his eyebrow.


"I need to be with him. He can't be in the servants quarters nor the main wing. So I'll move out of the main wing into the annex with Eddy."


Brett's father impatiently replied;

"That doesn't fix anything son. Did not this boy have his first blood drink from a human girl? I cannot let him continue to live on my grounds with him having access to the servants' quarters and risk him attacking someone when he gets his subsequent cravings!"

Eddy gasped in horror.

"I.. I could end up doing that? I could end up... attacking.. my.. parents..???"

Brett turned back towards his father;

"Father... but surely Eddy wouldn't randomly start attacking humans in the servant's quarters?"

Brett's father glared at his son.

"Are you sure about that son? Do you not know of a certain lately awakened vampire who had such a strong blood craving that he jumped a boy who was asleep in his bed in the servant quarters!?"

Blood drained from Brett's face, then flushed back till his face was crimson. His voice shook.

"You.. you know about that...?"

Brett's father sighed.

"...Late adolescent awakenings tend to give stronger cravings and they are unpredictable. I am not going to risk it, Eddy will need to move out of here as soon as possible.

Brett saw Eddy looking up towards his parents with tear filled eyes. Eddy's parents had not uttered a word since they arrived. They simply sat together on another sofa and had been calmly listening. They didn't even look shocked to learn that Eddy, whom they had raised since he was 4, may attack them for their blood. Brett thought if there was anyone who knew how to accept their fate, it was them. Brett remembered Eddy's father offering their own blood in the hope to spare Eddy. These people would probably willingly sacrifice themselves if Eddy came to the servants' quarters for human blood.

Both boys were extremely upset from what Brett's father had said, but moreover, Brett's mother looked distressed as she started to sob.

Brett's father added;

"Son, I hope you now understand why your mother...and I.. are so upset about this. We don't know Eddy's blood lineage. It is near impossible to find out. All we know is that he is a complex case. It will be difficult to even find someone with blood that is remotely similar to Eddy's that you could survive on."

Brett's mother let out in despair.

"You were born a vampire Brett...! You were born immortal!! I will not accept a fate of outliving my own son...!!"

Brett's face was now completely drained of colour.

Brett's father shook his head as he muttered.

"Why Brett.. why did you take this boy's blood when he tasted bad when you tried him when you were 5 years old? He tasted bad because he wasn't 100% human. In nature, things that are not good for you naturally taste bad to you. That small amount you had back then must have changed your taste buds or liking because you somehow ended up becoming more receptive towards his blood. ..Or.. your mother thinks it could be an emotionally driven thing.. you've always been fond of Eddy and that may have played a part in accepting his blood. But why did you have to go back to him for another taste? He tasted bad to you back then, you should've never entertained the thought of tasting his blood again! In fact, as soon as we found out that he tasted bad, we should have gotten rid of him..!"

Brett cried out;



Eddy managed to stand up and grab Brett's arm just in time as Brett had sprug up from the sofa and charged towards his father.  Eddy quickly stepped up after Brett and wrapped the distressed vampire with his arms from behind, managing to stop the son from doing something he may regret later towards his own father. Eddy held Brett in his arms as he pulled and guided him away, to separate the two men of the family.

"Shhhh Brett.. don't.. please don't do anything you may regret later. He's your father.. he's just worried about you.."

Brett was crying.

"He has no right to talk about you like that Eddy..!!"

"It's okay.. He's just.. he's just worried about you..."

"How could he say he should've just gotten rid of you... he has no idea.. he has no idea how happy you made me feel growing up with you.. I can't believe he regrets keeping you here..."


Brett turned around in Eddy's arms to face him.

"I don't want anyone else's blood... I don't want anyone else's.. I just want yours Eddy.."

Brett's father rolled his eyes and spat out;

"I suppose your mother was correct. You are so emotionally vested in him."

Still held in Eddy's arms, Brett turned his face around to address his father;

"I'll lock Eddy up in the annex. I'll personally keep guard. We'll get him human blood from a supplier till he is completely awakened, once he's completely awakened, he'd be able to control his urges, right?"

Exasperated, Brett's father asked;

"Son.. and just how do you plan to survive?"

"I have Eddy."

Brett's father roared;

"Oh for goodness sakes son, I'm not talking short term..!! In case you haven't noticed, Eddy's vampire traits are not prominent, he is likely to be less than half vampire!! He is likely to be as fragile as a human and likely to be mortal!! When your mother said when he leaves, we weren't talking about Eddy moving out, we were talking about when he dies!! Once he is gone, you won't survive unless you find another of his kind!! And we have no idea what kind of blood he has!!"

By now Brett was so emotionally drained, he felt he could no longer think straight.

"..Well.. if there is nothing I can do about that, I just have to make sure I look after him really well so he won't get sick or injured..."

"Son, humans are mortal, they will eventually die..!!"

Brett's voice started to shake again as he held back tears.

"Please... stop.. saying that...!!!!"

He wrapped his arms around Eddy, clutching onto the taller,  literally for dear life as he started to sob.

"This is killing me.. I.. I can't accept this.."

Eddy, dumbfounded by the bizarre conversation about Brett's fate after his own death, struggled to comprehend the idea, let alone say anything in response to Brett's father or in an attempt to comfort Brett.

"..There may be a way."

Brett and Eddy both turned around at the same time.

"There.. may..be..?"


It was Brett's mother.

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