18. Going home - mistaken identity

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Brett shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't get it, Eddy. I.. I was pining for you every night and felt like I couldn't get enough of you when I started..."

Eddy glanced at Brett, who closed his eyes with regret for letting his words slip out.

"Okay.. I so wished I didn't say that.. Eddy, please just pretend you didn't hear what I just said."


Embarrassed of what he had let slip, Brett would not utter a word after that so the two young men walked in silence, Eddy carrying the unconscious young woman over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, they walked side by side as they made their way to the other end of the forest. Upon arrival, Eddy carefully placed the young woman in the shade of a tree at the edge of the forest.

Eddy broke the silence by speaking softly.

"Okay Brett..  Shall we head back now?"

Brett just nodded and the two started to make their way back into the forest towards the estate.

It was Eddy who gingerly broke the silence again;

"Brett..? Would you please explain what's happening to me.. I don't understand it and I'm feeling really anxious.."

Brett raised his eyes towards Eddy;

"Eddy, I think you and I both discovered something very important about you today."

Eddy stopped dead in his tracks and he faced Brett. Eddy's eyes quickly filled up with tears. He shook his head.


Brett placed his hands on Eddy's shoulders.

"There's no other explanation, Eddy. Humans don't drink blood like you just did today..."

Eddy shook his head.

"No... no.. I've always suffered from malnutrition and have been anaemic.. there's a condition where people crave and eat things they normally don't, just so that they can get the nutrients their body's been craving for... that's must have had happened to me..."

Brett shook his head.

"I don't think so Eddy.."

Eddy stammered;

"H, how can you say that with such certainty?"

"Eddy.. your symptoms are so alike to what I went through when I had my blood awakening with your blood..."

Eddy shook his head again.


"The irresistible taste, the huge cravings afterwards, the infatuation..."

"B, but I'm fine now! I wasn't attached to her anymore by the time we took her back...you saw me?"

Brett raised an eyebrow, indicating that he was sceptical.

"..Are you sure about that Eddy?"

"Yes...! I swear I don't have any feelings for her anymore...! I don't have cravings for her blood either...!"

"Are you absolutely sure about that Eddy? Please don't lie to me just because you don't like what you're going through.. I think it's important that you're honest so that we can work this out properly.."

"I'm absolutely sure Brett.. I.. I could never lie to you. I know I was pining for her before but as for now, I'm completely detached from her.. it's weird because I do remember how I just wanted to cry with the thought of you not letting me keep her."

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