26. Nuptials II - innocence in abundance

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Eddy approached the main wing of the estate and noticed Brett sitting on the grass of the front lawn.


Eddy looked up and smiled as he got up. Upon Eddy's approach, Brett wrapped his arms around him into a tight embrace. Eddy stood still, unsure how to react.

"Hey Eddy.. welcome back home."

"Hi.. So what were you doing out here?"

"I was waiting for you."

"Oh. Um. Thank you."

Brett loosened his embrace and looked into Eddy's face.

"Eddy, are you okay?"

Eddy blinked a couple of times before he answered.

"Yeah.. just kinda got emotional saying goodbye to everyone in the servant's quarters."

Brett smiled.

"Hey, you will get to see them again y'know.. once your awakening is completed and you won't crave for human blood."

Eddy nodded.


Brett furrowed his brows.

"...Are you having second thoughts?"

"N, no! I'm not. I swear."

"Okay. I'm glad to hear that. Let's go inside then. Can I take your... what is that?"

"Oh, it's just my clothes wrapped in my towel.. I didn't have a bag. It's okay, I can carry it."

"Geez. What's in it? Is that all you've got?"

"Yes. My clothes and toothbrush, that's it."


Brett was taken aback. Then he smiled.

"That's okay. We can get you anything and everything you need Eddy. Just let me know."

"Thank you."

They started walking towards the main wing. The Annex where they were meant to move into today was located behind the main wing. Brett headed straight to the main entrance though.

"Brett..? Aren't we going to the Annex behind the building?"

"Oh, they had problems with a few things in setting up the Annex for us... they have to go get a new tap and some special light bulbs.. we need to get people to do the installations so it won't be ready till tomorrow."


Brett pushed open the front entrance of the main wing.

"So I'm sorry, I know it's our.. first night together but you'll have to stay in my bedroom in the main wing. C'mon in."

Eddy stopped at the entrance and hesitated.

"Am.. I allowed in the main wing?"

"Yeah, of course you are. You're part of the family now."

Eddy gingerly stepped inside the mansion.

"This way, Eddy."

Eddy followed Brett up a flight of marble stairs. He couldn't help looking around.

"Wow.. um.. this place is so...wow. So, Brett, am I staying in your room?"

"Yeah, of course you are."

"So.. where are you sleeping then Brett?"

Brett stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. He raised an eyebrow.



"I'm staying in my bedroom Eddy."

"Oh. Um. So.. you have two rooms?"

"Hmm, come to think about it, I actually have three."

"You do !?"

Brett smiled.

"Yeah, c'mon, I'll show you."

"Come on in Eddy."

Eddy stepped inside the room and blinked.

"Wait, what.. this is your room?"

"Well.. rooms, I guess. This bit is my study.. I get my lessons here.. then the bedroom is this door.."

Eddy pointed to the opposite wall.

"..And is that your third room?"

"Yeah. That's the leisure room. Let me show you the bedroom first."


"Oh wow this bedroom is so much bigger than mine. I think it's actually larger than the room we had as our family living room and my bedroom put together...! And even your bed is huge."


"Wow.. and you have a bathroom as well??"



"So Eddy, why don't you just leave your.. stuff on the bed for now."

"But this your bed, Brett."

"Um.. yeah.. and yours as well."

"What do you mean ?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"We.. we're sharing the bedroom Eddy."

"We are!?"

"I.. I'd like to.. if that's okay with you?"
"So I'm not staying in a guest room?"


"And I'm not sleeping in one of the other rooms you've got?"

"No. I was hoping we could be sharing a bedroom when we move into the Annex as well."


"Eddy, you.. don't want to..?"

Eddy stammered;

"Oh, no.. I.. I didn't say that.. it's just.. I never shared a bedroom before. But that's okay.. I mean this one is so big, there's not problem. So I'll just borrow a blanket and maybe a pillow and sleep on the fl.."


Eddy flinched with the rise of Brett's voice.

"Yes? S, sorry.. um.. you don't have to get me a pillow.. or even a blanket if you don't want to.."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no, no.. I..didn't mean that... geez Eddy.. just how old are you..."

"I'm seventeen."

Brett shrugged.

"Eddy, that was just a figure of speech I know you are sevent.... OH SH*T !!!"


"I.. we.. I.. oh my god.. and you are so... Um... oh geez, look, I think you better come downstairs with me Eddy.."

"Say what?"

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