Furious Adrenaline

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"NO Blake ! You can't just fucking go out and do that ! Don't you get it ?" I hear a voice yell as soon as Ethan and I get back in the house through the door from the garage

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"NO Blake ! You can't just fucking go out and do that ! Don't you get it ?" I hear a voice yell as soon as Ethan and I get back in the house through the door from the garage. I recognise the voice being the one of Damon, his anger speaking right through his words. They were yelling loudly in the living room I think, which made me stop right in my tracks as soon as I opened the door. These yells just remind me of Nick and my foster dad, but luckily Ethan notices my discomfort and grabs my hand gently to try and ease my discomfort. I slowly start to make my way towards the voices, which grow more distinct as I approach them.

" We already lost mom and dad and nearly Magnolia, because of these fucking Italians, so don't go around and fuck with them ! What you did today was dangerous for fucks sake." Damon growls even louder now , so I accelerate my pace to stand in the entry of the living room where Blake and Damon are both standing looking furiously at each other.

But instead of standing still because of the force used to speak up the words, my brain processes the sentence Damon spoke and I freeze. Did he just say that Italians were the origin of the car accident I was involved in 10 years ago ?

"Wh-what ?" I stutter weakly, which immediately gets the attention of my two fighting brothers, who were facing each other.  Behind me I hear Ethan that followed me curse and both Damon and Blake turn to me at once and I watch as their face decomposes as realisation hits them. " I thought it-it was just a car crash." I whisper under shock of hearing the news I wasn't even meant to hear. Italians ?  My parents were murdered ? All these years I thought...it was just an accident...

I watch my eldest's brother mouth open and close again without a single word coming out of it. He looks at his younger brothers for help, but he has no luck as they are both in a loss of words like him. It's too late they can't go back now.

"Don't lie to me again Damon. Tell me the truth, please..." my voice trembles as these words pass my lips. My eyes start to water at the thought of my dead parents being murdered. Murdered...Fuck I nearly got killed too, By FUCKING ITALIANS. I don't even know who they are, but Jace told me some terrifying stories of an Italian mafia which clearly popped back in my head, when I heard my eldest brother talk about them.

"It's complicated Angel." Damon simply responds, his face completely shut off from every emotion. His answer doesn't respond to a single one of my million questions that all try to push their way inside my head.

"No Damon it's not. Don't you fucking try to hide this from me. I have a right to know what happened to mom and dad that night. Heck even I was in the car crash. Or rather the Italians murder intentions should I call it ?" I spit out with venom as I feel anger rise inside of me by each second they continue to lie to me. Again and again.

"Sit down first Lila." Blake speaks up and my head immediately turns to look him dead in the eyes. I watch him as he extends his hand for me to take and every single part of me wants to spit back at him for lying. "The world can fall appart, but he will always be there to protect me." I mumble the words of Blake in my head and I want to laugh. Protect. That's what it's always about.

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