Out With The Old

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I am a fool


Chat Noir was her partner.

Her best friend.

Her most loyal companion.

But enough was enough.

Marinette couldn't handle his constant flirtatious and moronic attempts at impressing her.

It was becoming too exhausting.

So Ladybug sat on their usual roof, her legs dangling down and swinging slightly. She was waiting for Chat Noir to come.

They needed to have a talk.

Ever since Marinette became the Guardian, she's been more tired and the Akumas have been harder.

She needed a partner she could rely on.

And Chat Noir wasn't that partner.

He had stopped coming to patrols and showing up for battles. And on the rare occasion that he did show up, all he would do is flirt with Ladybug.

And then there was the problem of his relationship with civilians.

She knew first hand that Chat Noir didn't stick to the "No relationship" rule. He would visit her balcony at night, demanding snacks and complaining about Ladybug.

And Marinette couldn't deal with him along with everything else in her life.

She had no support system. No friends.

Which was why she needed a new partner.

Someone she could trust.

"M'Lady! It's wonderful to see you again!" Chat Noir said, jumping down right next to her. "What's the news? Got anything...important to tell me?" He said with a suggestive smirk, inching closer to Ladybug.

"Actually, I do."

Chat Noir froze at her tone. She was far too tired to act cheerful for him tonight. And he didn't deserve it anyway.

"Chat, how long have we been partners?"

"Three years, Bugaboo!"

Ladybug shook her head, looking for all the world like she carried it on her shoulders.

"We were partners for two months. Two months before your flirting became an obstacle. Something I had to dodge to defeat an Akuma.

"But--" Chat Noir started, but was quickly cut off.

"Two months before you became unreliable and awful."

"Wait, I--"

"Two months before you stopped listening to me."

Ladybug was standing now, pacing across the rooftops.


"Two months before you stopped respecting me. Two months before you decided we were made for each other. That I belonged to you."

Chat Noir stood up, walking closer like he could fix her if he just grabbed her.

Suddenly, Ladybug stopped. She turned to stare down her "partner".

"One upon a time, Chat Noir, I thought of you as my best friend. My rock, my partner in every sense of the word. But then you became clingy, possessive."

Chat Noir opened his mouth to defend himself.

"You demanded my love, thinking you deserved it. You left Akumas when I would reject you, leaving me to save Paris alone. And you'd come back to demand an apology. And when I didn't give it to you, you'd throw a fit."

Chat Noir gaped. He looked confused. Which only served to make Ladybug angrier.

He didn't even know what he did wrong.

"I went around to talk to people today. Mr. Ramier asked how you were. He said you were being strange last time he saw you at the park, during patrol, and he said you were asking about his akumatizations. You asked him how he was feeling, if he liked being Mr. Pigeon." Ladybug snarled, clenching her fists.

Mr. Ramier had seemed worried, scared, even.

"And then I went to Le Grand Paris and I spoke to the bartender there. I asked him about you. He said the last time you were there you seemed sad, sulky, bored. All while you were supposed to be patrolling."

"Well we all need a break at some point right?" Chat Noir said nervously. He had never seen Ladybug so angry.

Ladybug leveled a look at him.

"And then, he said there was a fight between Chloé and Sabrina. And when you saw it, you seemed almost excited."

When Ladybug had heard what was going on, she knew what she finally had to do.

"You can't really blame me!" Chat Noir spread his arms out, under his anger she could feel his fear and confusion.

Ladybug crossed her arms and glared.

"I cant?"

"No! I was just really bored and I wanted to have some fun defeating an Akuma!"

"Really? Because for the past few weeks, you haven't been showing up for any of them."

Chat Noir froze. Had he really thought she wouldn't notice?

"Well I've been really busy and--"

Ladybug put her hand up, shutting him up. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

"Chat. Come here."

Chat Noir took a hesitant step forward. He didn't seem to know what was going on, if the confusion in his eyes was anything to go by.

"I really do love you, Chat. Just not the way you think."

Chat clenched his fists, staring down at the roof like he could cataclysm it with his eyes. Ladybug leaned forward to grip his hand, prying the fist open so she could lace her fingers with his.

"Which is why I'm going to miss you after this."

Ladybug slipped off his ring at the same time Chat Noir looked up in confusion.

A bright green light covered the roof before Chat Noir stood in front of her, unmasked.

As Adrien Agreste.

Ladybug didn't even flinch. She had her suspicions for a while.

Adrien was a coward, unfit to be a hero.

And he stood in front of her, eyes wide and filled with betrayal.

"You--" He started.

"I'm sorry Adrien, but you are unfit to wield the Miraculous of the Black Cat."

Adrien was in shock, he couldn't even look at her. Instead, he turned his eyes to Plagg, who floated beside Ladybug's head.

Plagg stayed silent, looking anywhere but at his former holder.

Ladybug turned away in disgust, walking to the edge of the roof.

"Wait--but why? What did I do? I loved you!" He called after her desperately.

Ladybug paused. And suddenly, she was Marinette, the timid girl with a desperate crush on Adrien Agreste, who was professing his love for her under the moonlight.

But then she remembered the way he harassed her. How he didn't respect her space or her wishes.

So Ladybug paused.

"That was the problem."

And she threw her yoyo, swinging off into the night and leaving Adrien Agreste standing alone on the rooftop


I'm disappointed in myself

I promised that I'd finish all my posted wips before posting more, but nooo I just had to make a gay angst fic

Fuck that


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