Slap Me in the Face and Call Me a Bitch

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Tikki was getting tired of this shit.

She knew Chloé had been a risky decision, but she also knew Plagg had been right. She was a true holder.

But this was getting out of hand.

Tikki scowled as she watched Noir jump away with the civilian that was once Violetta. The battle was long over, but Tikki could tell her holder was still fighting an internal struggle.

And she was fighting a similar situation.

Of course Tikki knew why Noir couldn't give the Miraculous to Chloé, but she was lucky the combination of the two Miraculouses didn't turn her brain to goo. Most humans couldn't handle the excessive power draining their body of its energy. But Noir had almost seemed stronger, even Marinette grew weak from using too many at once.

After two days of constant battle, Tikki was ready to sleep for a week. But first Marinette would need to have a talk with Noir.

"Noir!" Ladybug stomped towards the blonde, fists clenched tightly and a scowl on her face.

Noir turned away from consoling the once-Akuma to look at her partner. Tikki could see the hero clench her jaw.


"No! You don't get to say anything until I'm done! What the hell were you thinking, Noir? You went directly against my orders to give the Miraculous to Chloé and instead selfishly kept it yourself?"

Noir flinched, and Tikki could relate. Her holder was terrifying when mad.

Knowing that Plagg was probably the reason Noir chose to use the Fox Miraculous instead of figuring something else out, Tikki couldn't help but feel bad for the girl.

"Ladybug, I was just doing what I thought was right! Chloé's made mistakes before and it's too dangerous to give her a Miraculous!"

Tikki could feel the anger inside of Marinette spill over. Since she became Ladybug, her emotions had become more powerful, causing several freak outs like this.

"When I tell you to do something you do it. I don't care what you think of the situation! I'm in charge of you and I can take your Miraculous away whenever I choose! So don't test me! Next time you follow my orders or I'll take back your Miraculous!"

Tikki knew her holder was angry, but this was the first time she'd ever acted like this. Inside her mind, Tikki could feel herself being swallowed by the anger, Marinette's emotions affecting her own.

Noir looked like she'd been slapped in the face, sadness and hurt flashing over her features, only to be replaced by pure, vicious anger.

"Orders? We're supposed to be partners! And your judgment is clouded, you want to give a Miraculous to someone who's spent their entire life as a villain? Chloé doesn't deserve a Miraculous!" Noir spat out. " And you don't deserve my help."

With that, Noir went back to the civilian and leapt away.


The battle took two days.

Two days of fighting, only stopping to recharge their Kwamis. Ladybug hadn't eaten, hadn't slept, hadn't drank any water.

Her vision was swimming and her leg was completely numb, it dragged behind her as she limped away to de-transform. She had been caught during the battle, the blood squeezed right out of her leg like a dehydrated fruit.

Noir hadn't gotten off much better, the Akuma threw her into a wall, shattering the bones in her shoulder and giving her what had to be a severe concussion.

And the city...the once beautiful city of Paris was destroyed, and Ladybug's Miraculous could only fix so much.

Ladybug watched with tired eyes as the citizens came back...but pieces of Paris did not.

Were her powers disappearing? Were they not as effective against the new Akumas? What was different? Was she no longer worthy of being Ladybug? Was that why her powers were going haywire?

She didn't have any answers.

The one thing she did have an answer for was what Noir did. She had betrayed her. Ladybug had put her full faith into Noir as her friend and partner. And then...and then...

Then Noir took that trust and used it to stab her in the back.

Ladybug stumbled as she landed, too exhausted to pay attention to both her thoughts and her surroundings.

How could Noir do that? Was she really that selfish that she wanted more, she had given Trixx right back to Ladybug without a fight. So why did she do it?

As much as Marinette thought, she couldn't come up with a real reason.


i like to create problems i don't know how to solve

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