Enjoy Your Blizzard

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oh wow that got dark quickly


A storm was raging outside.

The second Ladybug had jumped back into battle, a swirling tornado like dome of wind and rain surrounded the red spotted hero and her foe.

And Noir had no way in.

Noir growled from her perch on the roof, she was staring down at the tornado, trying to figure out how to get inside.

Preferably without dying.

Icy rain whipped at her face, tossing her braid around and taunted her with promises of death and pain.

Inside the tornado, there was no sound, no sign of life. But Stormy Weather was still alive, that she knew. And if the Akuma was, then Ladybug couldn't be too far behind.


The only way to help Ladybug was to get inside the tornado, and the only way to get inside the tornado was by jumping.

It was fine.

She'd done worse.

Noir jumped up, stepping up onto the ledge of the building. She took a deep breath and leaped off the building.

Crashing through the top of the a tornado was like being thrown against a wall. Every part of her felt like it was being squeezed and pinched until her vision turned spotty.

In short, it hurt.

A lot.

Noir curled into a ball, waiting for her body to plummet.

She had really not thought this through.

Idiot. Plagg's voice cackled. Why would you jump into a tornado?

Noir squeezed her eyes shut, trying to send her anger inward to where Plagg resided.

Shut up, Plagg.

I'll shut up when you stop being such a fool, cats are supposed to be clever you know.

Noir would've bit back if she hadn't realized what Plagg was trying to do.

He was trying to distract her from the pain.

That sweet little shit.

Aw, Plagg, do you actually care about me?

Plagg didn't respond.

Noir almost smirked to herself, but paused when she realized she was falling.

How did you not notice you were falling, idiot? She chided herself, curling up into a ball and preparing to roll once she was about to hit the ground.

Hopefully she wouldn't die.

"If I survive this I'll buy Plagg so much cheese and tell Marinette I love her and be nicer to Sabrina and--"


Strong arms wrapped around Noir, pulling her close to a warm chest.

"I didn't promise." Noir said cheekily to Ladybug, grinning up at her savior.

Twice in one day, she really needed to stop being the damsel in distress.

Ladybug gave her a confused look before dropping her to the ground.

"Nice for you to join us, Goldie."


Ladybug shrugged and winked before turning back to Stormy Weather, who looked furious at being ignored.

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