Reaping The Benefits

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first day of my new anxiety meds

is it weird that I'm getting anxious about not being anxious?


There's a moment in life where a person loses their mind.

It might be when a loved one dies.

It might be when your parents divorce.

It might be just a snap.

In that moment you feel it, the sick feeling as your heart plummets. The way you want to scream and throw up at the same time.

It's similar to the feeling of drowning.

But instead of water, a scream fills your lungs. It shoves you down and buries you, making your eyes bulge and limbs flail helplessly.

Seeing Adrien Agreste dressed as Chat Noir felt like that.

Adrien was the one who hurt Ladybug.

Adrien was the one who attacked her.

Adrien was the one that held Plagg hostage.

Adrien was Chat Noir.

Noir took a staggering step back. Her breathing was shaky, each breath caught in her throat.

"Bitch." Adrien grumbled, he wasn't moving.

Did she hit him that hard?

He deserved it.

No, no. He was still Adrien, still a citizen. And Noir attacked him.

He attacked you first.

But he didn't matter at the moment.

Because Ladybug was groaning, waking up. Her raven hair was matted with red, the ponytail loose and floppy.

Noir attempted to reach her, to help her. Buy Ladybug flinched when she got too close.

Then the thought she had been trying to shove away came skipping back.

Ladybug was afraid of her.

She was just like Chat Noir.


Ladybug woke with a groan.

The world was spinning, twirling around like a ballerina on a stage.

Her head throbbed painfully, like her skull was split. Her vision was swimming, only coming back into focus after she blinked a few times.

It all came flooding back to her in a wave.


Chat Noir.


Her partner.

Except that Noir would never hurt her. Ladybug could see the sincerity in her blue eyes when she promised to be a good partner.

Which meant that the Noir she fought was a Nightmare.

Oh Kwami.

Maybe she needed to go to therapy.

Marinette, you have to get up. Tikki's voice flooded her mind.

Ladybug whispered pathetically at the pain in her back. Her wings were probably broken.

Get up. Get up. Get up.

Please be okay, please be okay. A voice chanted. It wasn't in her head though, it was a person.

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