A Brief Interruption, A Slight Malfuction

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I think there's been a gLiTcH

Technology was both the salvation and destruction of humanity. It was a beautiful, terrifying thing. You could bring split families back together, call your lover from the otherside of the world, order food to be brought directly to you.

It was full of love and life, but in this case...

It was fucking up Marinette's life.

"--the video is like ten minutes long! I just need to get somewhere with better wifi to watch it!" Alya was telling Nino.

Nino smiled automatically at his girlfriend, eyes glazed over. "That's so cool, Babe."

Marinette couldn't give less of a shit about Nino's and Alya's messed up relationship, but what Alya said next made her want to throw up.

"I was able to watch a little before class, but it kept glitching out once the video got to this pink sparkle."

Marinette shot straight up from where she'd been practically falling asleep.
"Sparkle?" Adrian asked, scooching closer to where Nino and Alya sat.

Alya beamed, glad someone was paying attention to her. "Yeah! My theory is that Ladybug unlocked a special move and I got it on camera!"

Special move? Like a Pokemon? Tikki whispered in Marinette's mind, giggling hysterically at her own joke. Marinette couldn't bring herself to laugh with her Kwami, too nervous to even smile.

Adrian got this look on his face, like his eyes were...glitching. "Can you describe it? Was it all swirly? Could you feel it?"
"Feel it?" Marinette cut in, willing her voice to remain neutral.

Her nails were firmly digging into her palms, her fists clenched so tightly she could feel the skin splitting.

Alya beamed at the blond, "I wish! But I was totally knocked out. Though I can't remember how that happened."

You drew the attention of a bloodthirsty Akuma you dumbass. Marinette thought.

"That's amazing, Alya!" Rose chimed in as she sat down.

"Maybe it's a new move no one knows yet, like a sword made of ladybugs!" Kim yelled, making lightsaber noises as he punched the air around him.

A move? What am I, a video game character?

Even Juleka muttered something, a shy smile on her face.

Marinette wanted to scream that her powers were much more complex than "moves" and how it was all—

"That's bullshit, Cesaire."

All eyes turned to the door where Chloé stood, wrapped in yellow.

Chloé was practically posing, eyes narrowed and eyebrows raised. She wore a white sweater—most likely cashmere—and a pleated yellow skirt with a gold chain as a belt. Knowing Chloé, it was probably really gold. She had on polka dotted black mesh tights and a white beret sitting elegantly in her head. She peaked over her yellow circle glasses to stare down Alya.

Marinette felt her face go hot at the sight of Chloé standing in the
doorframe, hand in her hip and a smirk on her face.

Alya's face turned about as red as Marinette's, though not for the same reason.

"And what would you know, Chloé? You got your Miraculous taken away!" Alya fumed, slamming her hands down on the desk.

Chloé rolled her eyes and sauntered forward, looking down on Alya. "You say that like you didn't, wannabe. At least I know well enough that the Miraculous don't have 'special moves.'"

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