Desperate Measures

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hey guys and gals and nonbinary pals


Chloé was coated in blood.

Her hands, legs, face, and hair were stained with warm, wet, crimson blood.

All because of the stupid Akuma.

She had been having an excellent day, getting closer to Marinette and avoiding her thoughts of the battle the night before. She ate the most delicious croissant from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery--even if she had to share it with Plagg--and Marinette even let her look at a few of her sketches that she hid away.

She was able to relax and be comfortable for the first time in prett much forever, all ruined by another Akuma.

Chloé slid through a puddle of blood, cursing out Hawkmoth under her breath. Seriously, how did a bad student equate to an Akuma going on a murder spree?

It was pretty fucked up.

The blood on her face was starting to dry like a messed up face mask, and it really itched. Chloé had no idea whose blood it really was, but it was starting to be a real nuisance.

Chloé sped up, trying to get to the locker room before she was caught and squeezed like a lemon. She had seen the Akuma do it to another student, the blood had seeped out of the poor girl's body like beads of red sweat. She hadn't even been able to scream before the life was literally squeezed out of her.

And Plagg had slept through all of it.

Chloe leaped through the doors to the locker room, slamming them behind her. She dropped her head so she could lean against the door and catch her breath.

Chloé was exhausted and she hadn't even dealt with the Akuma yet.

Okay, calm down. Just transform and get this over with. Then you can go home and sleep forever and ever.

The blonde groaned, forever and ever sounded nice.

Then the stench hit her, Kwami it smelled awful. The air tasted metallic, like she had been chewing on loose change.

The blonde turned around and slammed back into the door. "Holy shit biscuits!"

Barely a foot from her was a corpse.

It wasn't anyone she knew, at least. But it was still a dead body. In fact, there were several corpses piled around the room.

There was one sitting on the bench, they had clearly been tying their shoes when the Akuma caught them.

One by the window, looking outside.

One sitting upright against the wall.

And leaning against the lockers, Sabrina.

Chloé felt bile rise up her throat as she stared at Sabrina's corpse. Blood was pooled around her, soaking into her jeans--Chloé remembered buying those jeans for her, it had been just last week.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

Chloé threw up.

Somewhere between the sounds of her puking and gasping for hair, Plagg woke up from his cheese nap in her purse and held her hair back as she hurled into the nearest trash can.

"I knew you would start coughing up hairballs at one point, kid. I just thought it would be at your fancy penthouse."

Chloé glared at the Kwami before promptly sticking her head back in the trash.

It took her far too long to pull it back out.

She coughed loudly, the taste of puke fresh and disgusting on her tongue.

Maybe she could find some breath mints…

Chloé dug through some of the open lockers, she knew that she was technically stealing, but she could just buy them a whole mint factory when this was over.

"All right, are you ready Plagg?" Chloé tried to smile bravely, but the tears in her eyes didn't exactly help.

Plagg snorted. "As long as you don't go around kissing anyone I think we'll be fine."

Chloé crossed her arms at the Kwami, cursing dancing on the tip of her tongue. Finally, she gave up on the thought of grounding him in favor of dumping the entire tin of mints in her mouth.

"Deal. But we've got bigger problems than who I'm kissing. The Akuma's been loose for almost two hours, who knows how many people are dead?" Chloé said.

"Probably a lot--"

"Shut it, Plagg. Claws out!"

Noir sighed, leaping through the window towards the fight. She ran across the rooftops, jumping and vaulting until she got to her destination.

But was promptly cut off by Ladybug.


Noir skidded on her heels, trying to slow down. Instead, she ran right into Ladybug. The heroes tripped over each other and fell off the building. Ladybug shot out her yoyo, trying to stop their fall.

Ladybug grabbed hold of Noir to pull her up, but the yoyo ended up wrapped around them, tying them up nose to nose.

Oh, Kwami.

I said no kissing! Plagg hissed.

Would you shut up for one minute? Chloé shot back.

"Sorry, sorry. You wouldn't believe how many times that's happened." Ladybug laughed, attempting to twist herself out of her own trap.

Noir laughed, hoping her breath didn't smell as awful as Plagg had said.

"Usually, I wouldn't mind it one bit. But right now we've got an Akuma to help." Noir grinned.

You're pretty bad at flirting.

Shut up Plagg. I'm trying my best.

Ladybug squeaked, face turning red enough to match her suit. She wiggled around awkwardly and the yoyo released, dropping them to the ground in a bright heap of black and red.

"I, I uh--" Ladybug stuttered out, then paused like she was listening to something. "I need you!"

Damn, I did not see that coming. Plagg said.

"Wait no! That came out wrong! Oh Kwami, this is going terribly!"

Noir tried not to be disappointed.

Ladybug paused, "I need your help with something."

Noir raised her eyebrows, trying to act casual as she helped Ladybug stand back up. "And what would that be?"

Ladybug took a deep breath, pulling something out of her yoyo.

Something that looked a whole lot like the fox Miraculous.

"I need you to give this to Chloé Bourgeois."


I like to cause problems

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