Trixx Are For Kids

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Noir had spent almost a full minute of silence making piercing eye contact with Ladybug.

Ladybug couldn't help but fidget under her partner's sharp gaze. It felt like she was being assessed, studied until all her secrets were revealed.

She really didn't want her secrets to be spilled, even if she trusted Noir.

"Why what?" Idiot. Why would you say that when you already know?

Don't worry Marinette! It's not a problem!

Thanks Tikki.

Noir's brows furrowed. "Huh?"

Ladybug winced. She should've been smoother. Smooth as butter. Peanut butter. Except peanut better can be chunky--I need to shut up.

Can you make me peanut butter cookies later?

We have to take care of this Akuma first.

"Okay, okay. So I have to do a sort of side mission, so I won't be there for this battle--except I'll come back at the end to collect the Akuma. But I was thinking and realized that you're gonna need help since you're still new to being a superhero. And though I trust you completely, I know that you'll need some help!" Ladybug took a deep breath after blurting it all out.

Kwami, she needed to stop talking so fast.

Noir didn't move or speak. She only stared at Ladybug, mouth wide open and something akin to worry in her expression.

"I know what you're thinking--"

"I promise you, Red. You definitely have no idea what I'm thinking." Noir smirked. She seemed back to normal, but something in her eyes was shaking.

She's really good at this. Even I have butterflies in my stomach.

Isn't that impossible? Would it be like tiny Duusuus?

It's a figure of speech, Marinette.

"Noir please, I trust Chloé. And I know I've had lapses in the past, trying to give Adrien a Miraculous just because I liked him, but this is more than that. Chloé is trustworthy."

Noir paused, Ladybug held her breath. Did she say too much? Maybe Noir and Chloé are enemies? What if she just gave away her identity by talking about Chloé?

Ladybug clenched her fists, waiting for the panic to subside and for Noir to stop staring at her like she had grown another head.

"Chloé Bourgeois. You really trust the girl who put a whole train full of people in danger so she could pretend to be a hero? What about when she willingly let Hawkmoth akumatize her?"

Ladybug thought back. All those things and more were the truth. Chloé made mistakes.

But so did she.

Ladybug let her friends get hurt because she wouldn't out a liar, she let herself get bullied for years, she let an Akuma die.

But maybe, just maybe, if she could forgive Chloé then maybe she could forgive herself.

Chloé was getting better.

She held the door open for strangers, apologized for her actions, and she even comforted Ladybug after the way they treated each other.

Chloé deserved to wear a Miraculous once again.

Ladybug smiled at her partner, the one person she felt she could trust more than Chloé. "Do you trust me?"

Noir couldn't meet her eyes. But she nodded all the same. "Of course, Red."


Chloé was sure she was about to have a heart attack. Why did she agree to give a Miraculous to Chloé Bourgeois? She was Chloé Bourgeois!

You fucked up, dumbass.

Shut up I need to figure this out.

"Okay." She said outloud once Ladybug left. "Okay, I can do this. I can just give it to someone else--no, no that won't work. Ladybug would definetly be able to tell."

Noir paced the roof, tugging roughly on her long braid. She need to think and she didn't have time to.

She needed to figure this out soon if she ever wanted to get to battle. Her blood sang with the idea of a fight. She really needed to punch something.

Just buy off the Akuma You have enough money.

Thats a terruble idea. How would I even go about doing that-- throw money at it like its a stripper?

If you don't figure this out soon you might have to.

We can call that plan B.

Thats it!

B. Bee. Queen Bee.

She had fucked up so terribly as Queen Bee, all she had to do was be as terrible as a fox hero!

What about Noir? If Noir hadn't known better she would've thought Plagg sounded hurt.

Her shoulders dropped, she loved being Noir. Ladybug was counting on her as both Noir and as a fox. And it wasn't like she could be both at the same time.

The same time.

The same time!

Her plan was nothing shirt of ridiculous.

Plagg, How do you feel about sharing?

Cheese? No. You? Whatever.

Real nice.

"Plagg, Trixx--unify!"

This is so stupid. Its cramped in here already.

I'll say, do I really have to be this close to cheese breath? He owes me money. Came a new voice--Trixx.

You lost that bet and you know it!

Could both of you be silent for a second? We need to go save some people!

The two Kwamis in her mind went silent. Finally they stopped arguing, it was far too cramped in her mind to let them keep talking.

It felt like the day after a night of intense studying. Like her head was filled with marshmallows. Like there were two annoying little gods thrashing around in her brain.

This is going to be a long fight, isn't it?

Only if cheese mcgee over here is in charge.

That's ridiculous! Don't listen to someone literally named Trixx!

Shut up, camembitch!

Make me, Trixx are for kids!

If you guys don't stop arguing I'm going to throw myself off this building.

Noir scowled, pulling out her sticks and pushing them together with a soft click. She was already starting to regret her plan.


Tikki: 💖🍪🍴💗

Plagg: 🗡:/🗡

Trixx: 💥👁👅👁💥

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