M.I.L.F. (Man I Love France)

573 34 9

this message is sponsored by my dog, who licked the computer as I was uploading the chapter


Duusuu was adjusting nicely to his new life with the Guardian.

He ate until he couldn't anymore, watched cartoons late into the night, and played with his fellow Kwami's all day.

He still missed Natalie.

In his heart, or whatever Kwami's had, he cared deeply for his—former—holder. She had treated him well, despite her wayward allegiance to Hawkmoth.

The Guardian had reassured him he was safe with her, that she would protect him with her life. But the girl was still a child, only seventeen, she didn't need the weight of another god on her shoulders. Nooroo could see how she struggled underneath her mask of calm confidence.

Though he knew the cause of Natalie's demise was Adrien—the new Hawkmoth, if he even called himself that—but he couldn't speak a word of it to the Guardian. Something deep inside him cut off his words and any attempt to warn her. He felt useless—worse, and he was hindering her completely.

How could he tell her? What could he do?


Marinette did not want to think about the implications of Noir appearing from the same area Chloe fell. In fact, she'd rather throw up everywhere than think about it.

When Noir leapt up onto the roof to rescue her from Adrien, Marinette had almost wept with relief--not for the excuse to leave and transform, but because Noir being there meant Chloe was okay. Deep down, Marinette had already decided they were one in the same.

Which meant that Noir keeping the fox Miraculous during the fight against the blood-based Akuma had been a truly horrible misunderstanding.

"Marinette!" Tikki hovered in front of her chosen, waving her little arms in an attempt to get her attention. "You can freak out later, but we have some pressing matters to attend to!"

Tikki's fearful voice snapped Marinette back to reality. It seemed like she was getting lost in her own thoughts more often, becoming dazed during important events.

"You're right Tikki! Spots on!"

Marinette launched herself from her hiding place behind the chimney on the roof. Noir and Adrien were too distracted to notice her speed past them to where the Akuma was.

The fresh air on her skin pushed away any lingering itch from Adrien's touch. It felt as though she could finally breathe.

Ladybug headed towards the Akuma, and the closer she got to the blob, the colder the air got. The darkness sucked the light right out of Paris, stealing people and spreading dismay.

Civilians ran away screaming from Fury, Ladybug flew closer.

Where could the Akuma even be?

There was nothing but rumbling black clouds, nothing an Akuma could have possessed.


I don't know, Marinette. Maybe the Akuma is inside the cloud?

We better hope so, if not— Her thoughts trailed off

Marinette didn't want to think about it.

No Akuma meant no way to end the fight, but it also meant another situation like Aurore's. And if it came down to it...

The only plausible option would be to talk down the Akuma, to convince them to revoke Hawkmoth's influence and return to normal.

Marinette refused to think about the other choice...to take down the Akuma by any means necessary.

She flew faster.

The cloud was getting thicker, bigger, denser. It suffocated Paris and all her citizens. At least buildings still stood, cars were parked in the streets, trees swayed in the breeze.

It was eerily similar to Lies.

Ladybug landed lightly on a nearby roof, surveying the destruction. The darkness grew out but not any higher, it stayed inches below the roof, moving in waves like water. It would have been beautiful if I didn't destroy her city.

As Ladybug watched, Noir landed beside her. She was unhurt except for a few scratches under her eyes.

"Well this isn't great." She winced as another scream tore through the air.

Ladybug didn't respond, staring intently at Noir. She found herself asking, "Are you okay?"

"I want to be mad at you, don't be nice." Noir said flatly, eyes trained on the cloud below.

Ladybug looked down and her fingers twitched nervously. She chewed her lip thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry," She started. "You were right all along, we're a team and I should have trusted you. You are my partner, my equal, I—I shouldn't have ever said otherwise."

Paris was silent, the dark cloud covering the entire city. Swirling and licking at the roof, no longer growing.

She continued, "I've been scared—terrified—of trusting someone after Chat Noir. That is not an excuse, just a reason. I had no right to—"

Noir turned to Ladybug, "I get it, I understand. I've screwed up enough to get what you mean. It hurt—what you said—but I forgive you. I fucked up and broke your trust too."

Ladybug grinned at her partner, relief flooding her body, making her feel lighter than she had in weeks.

"Guess we're both fuck-ups."

"Fuck ups together?" Ladybug raised a fist.

"Fuck ups together." Noir connected their fists with a grin.


"Motherfucker," Noir ground her teeth and vaulted away from Fury.

She caught her staff and split it in two, baring her fangs and whipping forward, attacking Fury without mercy.

At the center of the thick smoke-like mess of Fury was a person—barely humanoid and all shadows. After diving into the smoke against all instinct, Ladybug and Noir found Fury. Just A smoky figure that fell apart and clawed itself back together, and two sharp eyes staring back at them.

Noir often looked to darkness, but to think it actually looked back.

"Noir!" Ladybug called out, tying Fury with her yoyo. Before Noir could attack again, Fury dissipated to smoke and appeared above them.

They weren't attacking, only evading the hero's reckless strikes.

Ladybug called for her Lucky Charm, which dropped a can of product into her waiting hands.

It was fascinating to watch Ladybug's mind at work. Her perfect eyebrows furrowed, eyes analyzing their surroundings. Oh, to be a puzzle Ladybug studied so intently.

Ladybug vaulted over Fury and grabbed Noir's hand, pulling her behind a crashed car—the person must have been driving when they disappeared in the dark fog.

"Is that hairspray?"

Ladybug paused to grin. She was out of breath and sweat glistened at her brow.

Damn she looked gorgeous.

"Here's the plan..."


Yes, the terrible hiding spot right out in the open was because they always have the dumbest hiding places in the show

...and because I couldn't think of a place Marinette could get to as a civilian when she was literally trapped on a roof

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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