Cat Fright

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Noir had no idea what she was looking at.

She had followed the screaming all the way across Paris to find the source, which happened to be none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

The girl's clothes were rumpled, her face flushed, tear lines tracked through her makeup. None of that was too alarming, the strange part was the howling cat boy straddled beneath her.

Marinette had her arms stretched out in front of her, fingers wrapped tightly around a spray bottle, she had her eyes squeezed shut and her face turned away from the cat she was viciously spraying water at.

Looks like short stack can handle herself. Plagg cackled in her head.

Noir wanted to agree, Marinette looked like she was handling the situation pretty well.

But that didn't mean Noir should leave, so she leaped down from her perch and onto the roof next to the two.

"While it seems you have this handled, do you need a hand?" Noir said, trying to hide the amusement in her voice.

Marinette shot up like a bullet, throwing herself at Noir, the spray bottle still held safely in her grasp.

Marinette--noticeably shorter than Noir at this close distance-- hugged Noir like her life depended on it.

"Are you okay?" Noir whispered, stroking Marinette's raven hair in a way she hoped was comforting, the way her dad used to when she was little and couldn't sleep.

Marinette nodded against her chest and Noir finally turned her gaze on the cat furiously wiping water off his face. Chat Noir was growling quietly, green eyes slit behind his mask. Noir peered curiously at him, something

Chat Noir crouched into a defensive position, a way that felt almost too cat-like for someone who didn't have the cat Miraculous anymore. It was like he wasn't aware he wasn't actually a cat.

Weirdo. Plagg mumbled.

Shut it Plagg you're a literal cat.

Cat god you uneducated tooth pick.

"Marinette, I'm going to deal with him but I need you to stay as far away from the fight as possible. Don't let him near you." Noir whispered, releasing her tight grip on the girl.

Marinette nodded once, face still pressed against Noir's chest.

"All right." Noir loosened her grip. "Get ready!" She pushed Marinette to the side and lunged at Chat Noir, who glared back at her, ready for a fight.

The two danced around each other, batons twirling in a game of cat

Bite him! Scratch him! Scream to surprise him!

Shut up.

It was a dangerous game, their claws shining in the moonlight, the gravel on the roof crunching under their boots, one second of distraction would be the other's doom.

Chat Noir growled as Noir slashed his arm, cutting his suit.

Proof it wasn't magic. Proof he was fake.

"Bitch!" He yelled, clenching his fists and stalking forward.

A new fury shown in his acid eyes, black veins began spreading from his eyes.

Something was very, very wrong.

"How," He spat out, stomping towards where Noir stood defensively in front of Marinette. "How dare you steal my princess from me!"

"She doesn't belong to you!" Noir shot back, dodging Chat Noir as he slashed at her.

"You don't know anything! Marinette is mine!"

Noir dodged a punch, attempting to hit his legs.

The two cats circled each other, both prepared for the night to get bloody.

"Bull-fucking-shit!" The voice that came out of her wasn't her own, it sounded like Plagg.

What the fu--

Chat Noir let out a snarl, the veins around his eyes grew, filling in the left until it was all back.

"Plagg? You're siding with this replacement?"

Chat Noir lunged at her, throwing his full weight into it. Noir attempted to dodge, but he grabbed her braid and pulled her back.

Noir gasped, head throbbing as her hair was yanked back and Chat Noir slammed his fist into her stomach.

Oh, ow.

Noir hit the ground and rolled.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Before she could stand, Chat Noir stomped on her arm, setting it alight with pain.

Noir groaned, trying to keep herself from passing out from the pain. It sliced up her arm and slammed into her head.

She could hear Chat Noir laughing, his boots scuffing the gravel as he walked away from her broken form.

Noir blinked at the scene from the ground. Her arm felt weird and tingly, her legs wouldn't move. She watched Chat Noir prowl towards Marinette, a twisted grin on his lips.

"No--" she whispered before falling into a fit of coughing. "Don--don't touch her..."

Marinette was frozen in the corner, curled up in a protective ball. She was shaking, her shining eyes wide and full of tears.

Noir couldn't let him touch her. She wouldn't let him lay a claw on her head.

She spat blood to the side, attempting to push herself up onto her knees. Her arm gave out, stinging painfully.

Plagg was silent.

Do not give up. Noir screamed at herself. Do not let Marinette get hurt.

Noir managed to make it to her knees, she pushed herself--despite her muscles screaming at her to stop, to let them rest--until she was standing on wobbly legs.

One step. Two.

She was close to Chat Noir and the cage he made around Marinette.

"Don't worry Princess, I'll take good care of you." Chat Noir laughed.

Noir could hear the slime coating his words like a fresh coat of paint.

"That faker won't steal you from me any--"

He didn't get another word out as Noir launched herself at him, arms extended with claws glistening in the moonlight. Chat Noir barely had time to turn around before he was tackled off the roof.


Haha catboy

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