Tickety Tock

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I'm baaaack

this shit is unedited but it's been like 3 weeks since I've updated so I wanted to get this chapter done and away from me


Marinette was unbelievably exhausted from defeating Sandboy.

She was equally exhausted from the nightmares that plagued her dreams that night.

But that didn't serve as a distraction from her identity search for Noir. Her partner was in her class, she knew it.

How else would Noir know so much about Alya?

Everyone knows about Alya, she's not exactly subtle. A voice in her head whispered.

Marinette didn't listen.

She scanned the class for long blonde hair--but would it really be the same way? Adrien's hair had been perfectly brushed and styled, while Chat Noir's was messy and awkward.

Maybe Noir didn't even have blonde hair.

Even if she did, the only blond head in the class was Adrien who was sporting a spectacular bruise on his chin.

The rest of the class looked disconnected from reality. They all had eyebags almost as bad as Marinette's and empty looks in their eyes.

Marinette only felt a twinge of smugness.

"Marinette?" A shy voice asked. "Can I sit with you today? Chloé's not here."

Marinette looked up to see standing beside her desk with a hopeful smile.

Chloé wasn't there? Where was she? Was she okay?

It took Marinette to realize she hadn't actually responded to Sabrina and was just staring at the girl.

"Oh, um, sure. Do you know where Chloé is?"

Sabrina sat down, humming happily. "I think she just slept in, she had an exhausting night with that Akuma."

"What do you mean?" Marinette tried to sound casual, she even set her chin in her hand to appear comfortable (it wasn't working). But indie her heart was hammering against her ribs.

Was Chloé Noir? Did Sabrina know?

"Well she had to face a few of her Nightmares. Her crush rejecting her was one of them."

Oh. Noir was almost fearless, she didn't have to face any--not that she saw anyway. And she definitely wouldn't be scared of rejection. Who would reject her anyway?

So Chloé wasn't Noir. Marinette didn't like the way her heart dropped.

"That's terrible, is she alright?" Marinette tried, and failed, to keep the disappointment out of her voice. But if Sabrina noticed, she didn't comment.

The silence following was entirely awkward.

Marinette fiddled with her fingers for a moment before pulling out her sketchbook. She didn't even notice Sabrina watching as she added a few notes along the side.

"That's really beautiful, Marinette."

Marinette jumped almost a foot in the air.

"Oh gosh, sorry! I didn't mean to be nosy!" Sabrina immediately stuttered out frantically after seeing the wide eyed look on Marinette's face.

"No, it's okay, Sabrina! I was just startled." Marinettw quickly said, waving her hands frantically.

The girl's stopped their panicking and stared at each other for a long moment before bursting into laughter.

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