Birds of a Feather

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Warning: death, reference of sexual assault, suicidal thoughts, depression, and self harm. If you don't feel comfortable with any of this stuff, you can skip the chapter. I'll summarize it at the end. And for anyone struggling like this, we may not know each other personally, but my inbox is always open. Lots of love, Lemon♡♡♡ National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8285


Nathalie Sinclair was hardly a timid person.

She commanded fear, respect .

So why was she hiding in the attic of the Agreste Mansion?

Simple, because she was being hunted down.

A three day vacation was all it took for her boss's son to go crazy and kill his father, steal the Butterfly Miraculous and kill an Akuma.

Three days without her and the world falls apart. Honestly, Nathalie should just quit.

That had been her plan, of course, falling into a damning situation with her two bosses had been exhausting and hardly professional. But the world had shifted for her to stay, forcing Nathalie to stay behind for the little boy who needed a friend.

The same little boy who called out her name in a sickly sweet voice, begging her to show herself.

"Miss Nathalie? We need to go now!" Duusuu whispered, voice wobbling with fear.

Nathalie smiled warmly at her Kwami, rubbing her fingers on his blue head. "It's alright, Duusuu, you're going to get out safely."

Nathalie knew she was a true Holder. She knew it from the moment she saw Duusuu's Miraculous. But that didn't change the fact that she had treated him so horribly.

Even as a true Holder of the Peacock Miraculous, Nathalie still used to broach to bring harm upon others, she was still a villain.

"But what about--"

"Nathalie! You can't hide for long! I'll find you!"

Duusuu flinched backwards, tears forming in his wide eyes. "Miss Nathalie, what will happen to you?"

Nathalie's smile was tight and watery. What was she supposed to tell her Kwami? Her friend?

How was she supposed to tell him that she was to face a fate worse than death?

The little blue Kwami flew to her face and reached out a paw. "Please stay with me, Miss Nathalie. We can find a way out!"

Nathalie smiled at her companion, "Duusuu, I renounce you to the Guardian of the Miraculous."

Duusuu's eyes widened for a moment before his body turned to mist, taking the Miraculous with him.

Natalie closed her eyes, letting a few stray tears slip free. Her body shook with fear as the sound of heavy stomps neared her hiding spot.

She leaned against the icy wall of Gabriel's office, allowing the cold to seep into her neck.

"Nathalie!" Adrien cooed wickedly, his heavy footsteps getting closer and closer.

The woman smiled, eyes closed and heart thumping painfully.

All the years she spent with the Agrestes, all the years dealing with Gabriel's attitude, and Emilie's possessiveness, every moment helping Adrien along with his day, it all led to this moment.

Nathalie let a small laugh pass her lips.

She could remember her first day as the Agreste's assistant.

After a terrible interview where she spilled water all over Emilie and tripped on her way out, Nathalie hardly expected to get the job.

She expected a lawsuit more than anything else.

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