I Want To Catch A Supervillain But All I'm Catching Is Feelings

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Chloé Bourgeois did not have a crush on Marinette.

She couldn't, they didn't know anything about each other.

She couldn't fall for the sweet baker girl who wore too much pink.

She couldn't.

She wouldn't.

It didn't matter how adorable Marinette was. How adorable her blush was. The way she stood up for herself and smiled and got lost in her designs and--

She did not have a crush on Marinette.

So why was she sighing dreamily as Marinette showed her a new design for the Winter Dance?

The two had been sitting in Marinette's room for a while, chatting about fashion and homework.

It was nice, having someone to talk to.

And that thought was totally platonic.

So was the way Chloé smiled at Marinette's show of dimples.

So was the way Chloé blushed when Marinette got that sparkling gleam in her eyes.

There was a perfectly good explanation for it.

But maybe there wasn't.

And Chloé had a--totally new, definitely not an old crush resurfacing--crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

A crush that would go nowhere.

Unless it did.

Unless Marinette somehow, miraculously, fell for her and the two of them began to date. And Chloé could take her on the most romantic dates around Paris and she could smother the girl with love and appreciation and--

"And then I was thinking of adding some lace here along the collarbone!"

Marinette's cheerful voice grabbed Chloé and threw her back into reality.

Chloé blinked the fantasy from her eyes, focusing on the ravenette once again.

"That would be nice." Chloé managed to say, throat still clogged with a wishful fantasy.

Marinette's brows furrowed, a look of concern that Chloé wasn't used to flashing across her features.

"Chloé? Are you alright?"


"This is your fault! You raised Cabbage to be as unexceptional as you!" Audrey screamed.

Chloé's father took an angry step forward. "Well its your fault she turned out to be a spoiled brat!"

Chloé flinched.

She was watching her parents fight, half behind a door frame.

This happened too often.

They hated each other.

They hated her.

It was almost a surprise that they hadn't been akumatized again.

Maybe Hawkmoth couldn't deal with them either.

"That is ridiculous! How dare you!" Audrey continued to shriek, oblivious to the fact that her daughter was watching.

"How dare I? How dare you! You should have taken her back to New York when you had the chance! Sent her to some boarding school!"

A boarding school?

"Kid?" Plagg whispered from her purse. "Why don't we go?"

Chloé nodded mutely, turning away soundlessly.

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