Life's A Bitch

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since I didn't get the steddie I wanted in season 4 of strangers things I'm going to make it all your problem because lifes a bitch and then you die


Marinette found Alya's body before she could transform.

And holy shit, shit, shit she was going to heave up her guts.

She looked like a stress ball without the insides that made it squish.

A small, dark, horrible part of her wanted to smile. The girl that spent the last few years torturing her for every second of everyday was gone

She wanted to revel in the sadistic pleasure she felt.

But that was the same part of her that spent hours learning Adrien's schedule and following him around in an effort to make him notice her.

So instead, Marinette took a deep breath and walked past the corpse of her former best friend.

And if she stomped on Alya's phone as she watched by then that was her business. Besides, the Miraculous Cure would fix it anyway.

"Tikki, please let her phone be broken even after the Cure." Marinette managed to push out between her clenched teeth.

Tikki sighed sympathetically and flew off of Marinette's shoulder to float in front of her.

"I'm afraid not, Marinette. But if you transform now you'll have time to beat the Akuma and still get back to school with some time left to see Chloé!"

Marinette grinned. "Tikki, you always know what to say! Spots on!"

The transformation pours over her skin like a cleansing shower, washing away all the muck in her brain and filling her heart with a new lightness.

Ladybug sighed, flicking her ponytail over her shoulder and launching into the sky.

A minute later she landed on a rooftop gazebo to see a wave of blood crash into the a black and white figure.


Shit, shit, shit. Why did I bring Chloé into this? I should've made sure she was safe instead of letting her directly into the danger!

Marinette you need to shut up and calm down. Chloé is going to be fine. She has Trixx and her protective suit. Tikki reasoned, whispering reassuringly inside her head.

I know, I know. But I can't help it, I--

Marinette Dupain-Cheng! You need to stop this! This is exactly what happened when you first figured out Adrien was Chat Noir! You lost all reason and started shirking your hero responsibilities! Get it together!

Ladybug flinched, sucking in a deep breath and closing her eyes.

You're right, Tikki. I screwed up. Adrien was a mistake, one I don't plan on making again. I did terrible, unhealthy things while I was obsessed with Adrien. Things that will never happen again.

We can worry about that later, Marinette.

Ladybug nodded and swallowed the dryness in her throat.

But Marinette, I'm proud of you.

Ladybug blinked back tears and a smile and jumped off the ledge of the building.


Noir was pretty sure she was dead for the second time that week.

But if this was death, she must be in Hell.

No! Trixx screeched. Maine Coon is a great name!

Absolutely not! Plagg snapped back. It makes us sound looney tunes!

You're just jealous that I cane up with a better name than you! Ghjattu Volpe is awful!

It's a great name and you know it! Plagg yelled, making farting noises when Trixx tried to respond.

Noir never really believed in Hell, but its not like this was the good part of the afterlife. This was definitely karma coming to get her for how she treated everyone in the past--hell, it wasn't even the past, that was like a month ago.

Why don't you guys think of something cool, like Vixen?

Isn't a vixen a harlot? Plagg snorted.

Harlot? What are you, a million years old? Trixx snapped.

Two million, dumbass.

You guys suck, I thought it sounded cool. Chloé rolled her eyes--who knew you could do that when you were dead?

The name barely matters anyway, little fox. Trixx reassured her.

Of course it matters! And she's a cat not a fox! Plagg hissed.

You guys need to shut it so I can do my job. I'll just be Fennec or something.

Fennec! An excellent name! Trixx announced.

Veto. Plagg grumbled.

Trixx made a sound between a scoff and a gasp. Fine!

Guys I'm dead anyway, so why does this matter again?

Somehow she could feel Plagg roll his eyes. You aren't dead you idiot. Just too stupid to realize you're just laying in a pool of blood.

Oh, gross. sticky. Trixx gagged.

Noir finally realized she could feel her body. Interestingly, she was not dead.


Okay, calling it now, you can be Jackal! Plagg yelled, then his presence disappeared from his mind, taking Trixx with him.

All right, Jackal it is.

Except no one would ever hear her new name since she was drowning in someone else's thoughts. She would try not to think about that.

Noir managed to struggle against the drying blood, turning herself in a fun little circle. The blood was dried like a cocoon all around her.

You've got to be shitting me. I'm like a disgusting caterpillar waiting to turn into an even more disgusting butterfly.

Noir tried to scratch at the blood with her claws but to no avail.

"What the hell even is this? Nothing about this Akuma makes any fucking sense!" Noir growled to herself.

Sh could cataclysm to cocoon but if it didn't work she would end up back as Chloé before she could get out.

But it wasn't like she really had a choice in the matter. Noir wrestled her hand from the side of her body to the front.


Light pierced through the dried blood, leaving a Ladybug kneeling over her, blood on her face and stars in her eyes.

Damn she looked pretty.

Almost like a painting with the sunlight behind her and the blood splattering her face like freckles.

She looked gorgeous, like a warrior bathed in sunlight and the blood of her foes.

Noir wanted to kiss her so bad, instead she sighed dreamily up at her partner, enjoying the angelic valkyrie above her.

"Jesus fucking Christ, how do you keep ending up like this?"


i guess this wasn't such a bad chapter, but don't worry I don't make promises I can't keep

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