𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Everyone please put down your pencils and listen closely!"

The sound of pencils dropping onto the desk echoed throughout the classroom as each of the students had their eyes on their teacher.

"For the next month, i'll put you in pairs for your next art project, you and your partner will create a painting of each other on how you see the other. For the first week you'll get to know your partner, i'm assigning you a partner who I haven't seen interact with you as much so that way this isn't an excuse to partner up with your friends."

"You art work must be what your partner prefers to do such as water colors, paint, acrylic paint or oils. For the second week, you are going to write a paragraph about who your partner is, for the third you're going to hand in a sketch and for the fourth you are going to work on your final draft. If you want to start early go ahead but i'd prefer if you match the pace with the rest of the class."

"Everyone got it?" the teacher looked over at her students, watching them all nod before she held out a piece of paper. "I'll be calling names now so listen up, once you and your partner are called, please go to your partner and sit next to each other."

Y/n's eyes moved around the classroom, wondering who her partner was until she met eyes with the girl she never really liked. Yuzuha was always her "enemy", both girls were always head to head in their art class, always competing to get the top grade.

Yuzuha rolled her eyes before Y/n could as Y/n let out a sigh. If Yuzuha were to be honest, she always thought of Y/n as someone who she'd compete with forever, always thinking Y/n would be on the other side being her rival.

Y/n thought the same, the two knew each other for so long they got used to the fact that they would always see each other head to head at some point.

"Shiba and L/n, you two are partners."

"Huh?!" both girls quickly looked at their teacher confused. "I said Shiba and L/n, you two are partners. Don't make me repeat myself now hurry up and sit next to each other." their teacher said as the two girls glanced at each other before mumbling words the other students couldn't quite catch.

"I hate her so much.." Y/n mumbled, grabbing her pencil as she headed towards Yuzuha. "The girl can't even draw..why is she even in this class.." Yuzuha whispered to herself, glaring at the h/c haired girl as she waited for her to sit down.

"Why is she even in this class?" Y/n mocked her, earning a loud sigh from Yuzuha. "You know I don't get why you're in this art class, you still don't even know the basics for it." Yuzuha said, crossing her arms as she watched Y/n roll her eyes.

"Like you do. It's honestly embarrassing to be partnered up with you, hell even your brother would've been a better partner and he can't even speak to girls." Y/n laughed as Yuzuha stood up. "My brother wouldn't even talk to you in the first place." Yuzuha muttered out, still eyeing the girl in front of her.

"I guess I can see why your girlfriend broke up with you, you're just an arrogant bitch who only thinks of herself." Yuzuha said, a smile on her face as Y/n quickly turned to her. "Really? I'm an arrogant bitch who only thinks of myself? Have you really seen yourself Shiba? Have you?" Y/n leaned closer to Yuzuha's face. "Or do you want a kiss to make you feel all better, hm?"

Y/n saw the shocked expression start to form on Yuzuha's face before it quickly went away. A small smirk forming on Y/n's before she leaned even closer and gave Yuzuha a kiss on the corner of her lips. "You should really see your face right now." Y/n laugh while Yuzuha mumbled a few words before she sat down.

"This next month's gonna be the worst.."


just a quick reminder, this doesn't follow the manga plot and is a college au!!


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