𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Since it's Friday, I usually go home for the rest of the weekend."

Yuzuha said, picking up her items before placing them in her bag as Y/n nodded. "Is it a far walk?" Y/n asked while Yuzuha shrugged her shoulders. "Depends if you like to walk."

"Wait so it is a long walk?! Why can't we go take a car or the train?!" Y/n started to complain as Yuzuha rolled her eyes. "Do you have a car?" Yuzuha asked her as she nodded. "Yeah but it's in the shop right now, the tire got messed up.." Y/n mumbled, exiting the class as Yuzuha followed after her.

"Do you?" Y/n asked her. "Yeah." Yuzuha said in a bored tone as Y/n's eyes lit up. "Then let's take it!" Y/n cheered. "I don't feel like it, plus my home isn't so far away. I was just exaggerating."

"You better be.."


"You weren't exaggerating! You said this would be a short walk!" Y/n groaned, the pain in her legs making it harder for her to walk. "It is to me." Yuzuha said, opening then front door as she was greeted with a burning smell.

"Hakkai! What did I say about cooking in the kitchen?!" she yelled, quickly walking down the hallway as Y/n closed the door. "I was just trying to cook eggs!" Hakkai said, turning his body slightly to see his older sister glaring at him along with Y/n standing behind her.

"Well wait until I get back!" Yuzuha walked over to her younger brother and turning off the stove before she set the pan away. "Why is she here? I thought you hated her?" Hakkai whispered, not knowing he was loud enough for Y/n to hear as she let out a laugh.

"We're just doing a project for art class, after it's done we're strangers again! So you don't have to worry Hakkai!" Y/n said, shaking her head as Hakkai turned around, facing away from her while she gave him an odd look before she realized why he did that.

"Oh! I forgot it's hard for you to talk to girls!" she laughed before stepping away from the kitchen. "I'll just wait for you here Yuzuha." Y/n said, pointing at the spot she was in.

"It's fine, just come with me." Yuzuha walked away from Hakkai as he went back to "normal" before Yuzuha grabbed Y/n's arm and leading her towards her room. "Wait he really can't talk to girls..? I thought it was just fake but i didn't actually believe it!"

"Since he was in elementary, it just came to him and it's so embarrassing now that he's 20." Yuzuha sighed, shaking her head before going up the set of stairs, Y/n following behind her. "You guys are a year apart? So you're 21?"

"No, i'm 20, he turned 20 in September and my birthday is in November but i'm turning 21.." Yuzuha said, glancing back at her before letting go of her hand and opening her room door.

"I thought you were 21 already! My birthday is (before/after) yours so i'm (older/younger) than you?!" Y/n cried out, stepping into Yuzuha's room while Yuzuha rolled her eyes. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes it does!" Y/n said, going to sit on Yuzuha's bed but she stopped her and pointed to the floor. "I just fixed my bed! I'm not letting you mess it up!" Yuzuha said as she saw Y/n laugh. "And you better not say anything about what I just said!"

"Fine..but I don't mind you messing me up—" Y/n said, teasing Yuzuha before she was smacked in the head with a pillow. "I said not to say anything!" Yuzuha glared at her partner, watching her laugh before she sat in front of her.

"Fine, fine, i'll stop." Y/n said, looking at Yuzuha before scooting over to her. "What? Go away." Yuzuha said, reaching her hands over to Y/n and going to shove her away. "No, did you forget? I can't study like this."

"You're lying to me now. You're definitely lying to me Y/n, there's no way you can't study without sitting on someone's lap. It's literally impossible." Yuzuha said, glancing at Y/n who was scooting herself back over to Yuzuha. "Fine, then can I lay my head on your leg?"

"Yeah sure." Yuzuha mumbled, grabbing her journal before she felt Y/n start to lay her head on her thigh. It was quiet for a bit as the two worked, Y/n kept glancing up at Yuzuha, looking back and forth from her book then to her. She was caught a few times but Yuzuha let it slide, thinking Y/n was just day dreaming.

"Do I have something in my eye? Something's been bothering me and I feel like I can't take it out." Yuzuha said, looking down at Y/n as she met her e/c eyes. "Come closer." Y/n said, moving her hand as she gestured Yuzuha to lower her face, and she did. "I don't really see anything.." Y/n mumbled, squinting her eyes as she tried to look even closer, raising her head up just a bit.

"No?" Yuzuha said, raising her head back up as Y/n's averted back to her book. Yuzuha then grabbed her mirror, still not seeing anything as Y/n sat up, scooting herself in front of Yuzuha and cupped her cheeks as she brought her face closer to hers.

"Yeah..I still don't see anything. Maybe it's just an eyelash in your eye." she said as Yuzuha's eyes widened from the sudden action. Yuzuha then started to relax to her touch, feeling Y/n move her face around and slowly bringing her closer with out knowing. 

"Yup, nothing." Y/n said, soon meeting Yuzuha eyes. "Really?" Yuzuha questioned as the door opened, both turning their heads to Hakkai who was holding two ice cream cones. "Guys, Taiju bought ice cream—" he accidentally dropped them, his eyes were on Y/n who's hands were on his older sister's face which made it seem as if they were about to kiss.

"Oh..um okay."


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