𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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Yuzuha called her name, watching her partner stop before turning to her. "Are you following me?! Yeah, you definitely love me!" Y/n said, glaring at Yuzuha who's jaw dropped. "Love you?! You're crazy! Craazzyyy! And no, I just so happened to be around the area!"

"Mkay Yuzuha, what ever you say." Y/n said before turning back around as Yuzuha paused, gulping before reaching out to get her hand and stopping her. "Are you alright?" she said, feeling Y/n tense up before standing straight.

"Oh so you saw? Let me guess, you heard too?" Y/n sighed. "Let's just go back to your place, I don't feel like going back to mine just yet." Yuzuha noticed how she tried ignoring the question as Y/n was dragging Yuzuha back to the car. "And by the way..I can see you and your brother." she said, laughing afterwards.

"You did!?"

"Mhm." Y/n said, pointing over to Hakkai who was trying to hide but failed before she went over to the car with Yuzuha following behind her. "You still didn't answer my question—"

"I didn't think you would care Shiba, plus it's none of your business to know, right?" Y/n said, glancing back at her and watching her scoff. The two then reached the car, Yuzuha going to the driver side while Y/n went in the back.

"So are you guys friends—"




Y/n plopped herself on Yuzuha's bed, closing her eyes and feeling herself sink into the soft mattress. She opened one eye, glancing at Yuzuha who was still working on her project before sighing and closing her eye.

She then looked up at the blank ceiling, her eyes averting down to the wall, Yuzuha's desk then to her and now her face. She never really looked at her features, Y/n always thought she was average in looks, never caring to actually give her a glance except now.

'She's actually..pretty.' she thought, her eyes moving down to Yuzuha's lips. "Y/n, you staring is making it hard to concentrate." Yuzuha said without thinking, her eyes set on her paper as her pencil was rolling between her fingers. She didn't notice Y/n had gotten off the bed and was now sitting in front of her.

"Hm?" Yuzuha looked up to see Y/n in front of her, her eyes slightly widening as she backed up just a bit. "When did you get there?!" Yuzuha said, shaking her head before going back to her project. She noticed how Y/n didn't move or even dared to say another word, finding her behavior odd, more than usual.

Yuzuha felt Y/n's hands cup the side of her face, bringing her face closer to give a long kiss on the cheek before moving back. Y/n then felt a sharp pain on her cheek, realizing Yuzuha had slapped her.

"Ow..do it again—"

Y/n started to say until she felt Yuzuha's lips crash onto hers. It was a bit of a shock for Y/n, to think the girl she never really like would pull her into a kiss. Y/n moved Yuzuha's papers to the side before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bed as she laid down, feeling Yuzuha sit on top of her.

Y/n's hands stayed on Yuzuha's waist, moving down to her hips before her nails dug into ass, squeezing it as she felt Yuzuha groan into the kiss. She unzipped Y/n's pants, pulling them down enough so she could have space to finger her. "Can I?" Yuzuha asked Y/n, watching her nod.

Yuzuha rubbed her finger against the cloth, moving down towards her clit as she felt it damp. Her fingers moved Y/n's underwear to the side and shoved two fingers in her, going at a medium pace as the action surprised Y/n.

'Oh we're really doing this—' Y/n's thoughts were interrupted once Yuzuha had pulled her back into another kiss. This time a longer and deeper one, Yuzuha felt Y/n's tongue move across her lips, opening her mouth just a bit.

Y/n started to moan into the kiss once Yuzuha's fingers curled and started going faster, she moved her hips, trying to create anymore friction so she would cum as Yuzuha's fingers started to get wetter, the wet noise ringing in their ears. Y/n's heart rate started to increase, feeling herself start to reach her climax.

"Yuzuha! Are you up there?"

The two froze, both looking at each other with widened eyes as Yuzuha pulled out her fingers and shoved them into Y/n's mouth, watching her suck and swallow before throwing the blanket over Y/n and moving back down to the floor.

The door then opened, revealing Taiju who had bags of food in his hands. "Yuzuha I brought your favorite—" Taiju looked over at his sister, then to Y/n who was on her bed. "I'll come back another time." the door then closed shut as both of their sighs filled the room.

"Are we going to finish or..?" Y/n said, earning a glare from Yuzuha as she stood up and threw a towel over to Y/n.

"Go to the bathroom afterwards, just pretend it never happened Y/n, please.


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