𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Y/n..I messed up.."


"I accidentally asked for pineapple in my smoothie, I haven't drank it yet but it like an impulse!" Yuzuha cried out, pushing the cup towards Y/n who glanced at it before making eye contact with Yuzuha. "You're literally allergic to it! How do you forget about that?!"

"I don't know! I just..I don't know!"

"At least you haven't drank it yet.."

Both Y/n and Yuzuha stared at each other before she took a sip of the drink, in honor of Yuzuha who couldn't. "How do you ask for something you're allergic to Yuzu..?" Y/n mumbled, side eyeing the girl beside her. "Well I was in a rush to get here and—"

"Awe! You wanted to see me!" Y/n then wrapped her arms around Yuzuha. "No! There was traffic on the way here!" she said, trying to defend the fact that she actually was trying to see Y/n as fast as she could. "Liar, I can tell you're lying."


"Because I just can!"


The two girls laid on the couch as they watched the movie that played on the tv screen. They were so into the movie that they even forgot they had ordered food minutes earlier. A knock on the door was heard, making them lift their heads up and avert their gaze towards the front door.

"What did you guys order?" Hakkai said from his room. "Pizza!" Y/n answered and getting no reply back. "We got pizza! Do you want some?" Yuzuha asked her younger brother while standing up and making her way to get the food.

"Yes!" he then rushed out of his room and took the box from his older sister's hand then making his way to the kitchen to get plates. Yuzuha then paid while Y/n followed Hakkai to get her food.

"Yuzuha, seeing you two like this is so weird to me. Like wow..you two are finally not hating each other for once." Hakkai said as Yuzuha entered the kitchen, grabbing a plater for herself and rolling her eyes. "Technically..you're still single."

"Technically..you should mind your business!"

The two girls laughed at him as he made his way back to his room. Y/n wrapped her arm around Yuzuha's waist and laid her chin on her shoulder. She found the action cute, giving Y/n a small pat on her head before taking a bite of her pizza.

Silence filled the air but the two didn't mind, they found it comforting as they ate. Both of them kept giving glances to each other, giggling like two people in love whenever they met each others eyes.

If anything, they were more than just in love. The two had known things about each other for years and had picked up on their habits without noticing. Y/n would make sure she kept an extra bandaid with her because Yuzuha would always end up cutting her fingers. Yuzuha would make sure to count the amount of paint brushes she had because Y/n would always mess one up.

"Yuzu, I love you."

"Random..but I love you too, Y/n."

Yuzuha clearly blushed from the random words spoken by the girl next to her. Y/n smiled at her flustered expression, squishing Yuzuha's cheek and chuckling. Yuzuha gently pushed her away then quickly taking a bite of her food.

"You're so.." Yuzuha mumbled. "So what?" Y/n said, poking her arm repeatedly. "So clingy, but it's cute." Y/n was surprised at her words, this time she was the one who was flustered. "Stop, you're so cute."


"We're actually fake breaking up right now.."

"It's not that serious!"

The two laughed once more, soon making their way to the living room and sitting next to each other on the couch. They laid their heads on each others while Y/n pressed unpause and continued to watch the movie.


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