Chapter Three

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"Ugh-" An unpleasant sigh escaped the lips of a two-foot something man who held the head of a white-haired mouse. He made his way around the hospital, looking up at the room numbers placed beside the doors. "-ah." He nodded walking into the correct room.

"Mr. Principle?" Midnight called, flicking her hospital TV off.

"Hello Midnight, how are you feeling?"

"I keep telling the staff here I'm fine-" Midnight dramatically waved her hand, "-I'm waiting for the doctor to discharge me."

"Wonderful." Mr. Principle nodded,

"How is Aizawa?" Midnight wondered; he used his eraser quirk on Shadow Jack for an extended period of time so the authorities could properly restrain the villain.

"He was already discharged a few days ago."

"What!?" Midnight jumped, "How is that fair!?"

"I'm sure you will be discharged in no time." Mr. Principle chuckled,

"How is the school been?" Midnight questioned.

"Well-" Mr. President took a seat in the open chair beside the bed. "-having three of my teachers out sitting around in the hospital has been challenging, but we are managing. We just want you three to get well and get back to us!"

"Yeah." Midnight sighed agreeing, "How is All Might holding up?"

"From what I know, he has mostly been asleep this whole time."



"And what about those kids?" Midnight wondered.

"What kids?"

"I thought Aizawa would fill you in-" Midnight adjusted herself in the bed, "-Shadow Jack held three kids' prisoner-"

"Oh, those kids-" Mr. Principle nodded, causing Midnight to roll her eyes and shake her head.


"-the police aren't letting anyone near their rooms."


"Yes, but from what I overheard is the two boys are expecting to make a full recovering."

"What about the girl?"

"She is in a coma."

"A coma?"

"Yes. It seems she had a lot of damage dealt to her."

"Yeah-" Midnight breathed, thinking back to when she watched you fight Shadow Jack. "-why won't the police let anyone near those kids?" Midnight wondered, having been stuck inside this room as made her live under a rock for the past week.

"They are being deemed a danger."

"A danger!?" Midnight scoffed at the thought. "If it wasn't for those three kids, All Might, Aizawa and I along with all those other heroes would be dead right now!"

"That is exactly what Aizawa said."

"What are we going to do?" Midnight sighed, feeling tired. "Could we even do anything?"

"We already have."

"We have?"



"I called All Might's police friend."



"Why don't you look worried?" Midnight wondered.

"Because there isn't a reason to be worried."

"There's not?"

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