Chapter Eighty Five

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"If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!"

Katsuki Bakugo's heart hammered like the energizer bunny's drum, keeping his stern face locked on his face he gazed around the room filled with villains who launched a full-scale attack on USJ.

The explosive blond swallowed a lump in his throat as the villains tried to talk him into turning over a new leaf and joining their cause. Katsuki spat in their face as he was restrained against a chair.

"Kurogiri-" Shigaraki's voice is raspy. "-compress him, put him back to sleep."

"Ugh-!" Mr. Compression groans, "-I can't believe he is such a bad audience member, it's almost impressive."

"Shigaraki!" A man in a black and white suit came running into the bar.

"What is it!?" Shigaraki instantly snapped craning his neck to glare at Twice.

"We have it."

"Oh-" Shigaraki's lips twitched upward, "-bring it here." Katsuki narrowed his crimson eyes, the villain seemed almost giddy.

"Right away-!" Twice sang, "-aw man! Why do I gotta do all the work!?"

Shigaraki turned to Mr. Compression.

"Release her." Shigaraki sternly ordered.

Katsuki watched with a confused expression as Mr. Compression pulled something from his jacket pocket, a shiny blue marble rested between his gloved fingers.

The orb let out a ghostly glow before quickly expanding into the shape of a human.

"What-!?" Katsuki's breath hitched, his lungs tied up watching you appear before Mr. Compression, your eyes slowly opening revealing a blurred sight. "-(y-y/n)!?" The air was knocked out of Katsuki, his heart pounded inside his ear canals as blood rushed to his face.

You blinked furrowing your brows taking a moment to catch up on what was happening, Spinner dashed forward while you were still shuffled in a daze, feeling uneased with being so near, he quickly locked a thick metal collar you knew all too well around your sensitive neck.

"That Shadow Jack sure is a smart man." Shigaraki gestured to the collar speaking to the villains inside the dimly lit room.

"What are you his fan boy or something?" You mocked, finally taking in the scene.

You glanced over to Katsuki, neither of you dare to say a word. You didn't want him to become a bargaining chip, you knew how those always ended up...

"Hm." Shigaraki sneered, his cracked lips slid over his teeth. "That's just like one of his puppets, always so stubborn even in the face of danger."

"I'm not a puppet." You lashed.

"Oh, but you are my dear-" Shigaraki spread his arms out like a pair of majestic wings, "-all you know how to do it follow orders, it's in your DNA, but that's ok! You simply lost your owner, you still have your strings, you just need a new handler is all."

"You really think this collar will keep you safe for long?"

"Keep us safe?" A golden eyed villain blinked.

"Why do you think Shadow Jack made them-?" You smirked glaring over to the blond girl holding two messy buns in her hair. "-he didn't make them as fashion statement."

"To keep you in line." Dabi guessed with a laxed shrug of his shoulders, causing a dark chuckle to roll off your tongue.

"Shadow Jack bred homemade killers-" You glared into the tall man whose fire quirk rivaled your own, "-he had to find some way to keep himself safe."

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