Chapter Thirty Three

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"Alright-" Dr. Shuzenji nodded, wrapping her stethoscope around her neck. "-you're good."

"Good?" You repeated dumbfoundedly.

"Yeah." She nodded, giving you a small smile. "Your x-ray's look good, your injuries look fantastic. I don't see a reason to keep holding you on restrictions."

Your lips parted turning to All Might.

It has been two long weeks since the fight with Stain, you have been 'grounded' ever since.

"I think you can participate in your school activities today." Dr. Shuzenji commented.

"Uh-" All Might stepped closer, "-are you sure Doc?"

"Yeah." Dr. Shuzenji nodded, "I don't see a reason to keep her on the sidelines during national physical fitness day."

"But she-"

"All Might-" Dr. Shuzenji cut in, "-trust me, as her doctor and as a friend. I would never give my permission for (y/n) to participate in physical activities if I didn't believe she would be fine."

"It just seems so soon."

"I know." Dr. Shuzenji nodded in agreement, "But her body heals faster than the average person. I believe she is at the end of her recovery. I don't even think she has to bandage up any of her injuries anymore."

"Her rib?"

"All healed, her x-rays looked good." Dr. Shuzenji turned to you. "See what happens when you just listen to us and rest?"

"Yeah-Yeah." You sighed but couldn't stop the smile from blooming on your lips. Dr. Shuzenji grinned, seeing how far you come from the first time she met you.

"I do want to see you in a couple of weeks-"

"Why!?" All Might jumped.

"Just-" Dr. Shuzenji calmly stated, "-for precaution. We can never be too careful."

"Right." All Might breathed turning to you. "(y/n), if you don't want to go to school today, you don't have too-"

"I do!" You jumped off the exam table. "Let's go!" You pulled on All Might's arm. "Thanks Doc!" You called; you could hear her faint laugh as you dragged All Might out of the hospital.

It was National Physical Fitness Day.

This meant UA High was going to be in an uproar.

No classes were being held, it was all just one giant free for all for sparing, obstacle courses, training with quirks, everyone was excited for it, and you have been praying you weren't going to have to sit on the sidelines watching everyone.

You and All Might hopped into his car, it felt like a breath of fresh air having a clean bill of health, having no health restrictions you leaned back against the seat feeling excited to get to school!

Bakugo groaned, feeling tired from lack of sleep as he walked into the classroom. He glanced around seeing only a handful of students were here waiting in their seats. Mina had her head on her desk resting for the few minutes they had before school started. Mina sighed, opening her eyes glancing over at your desk.

Where were you?

"Man-!" Mineta groaned, "-where is everybody!?"

"Yeah?" Kaminari glanced at all the empty desks. "Where is Midoriya, Todoroki, Jiro or (l/n)?"

"I saw them." Tokoyami noted, "They were walking into the building together."

"Hm." Kirishima thought for a moment, "Maybe they are at Lunch Rush, you know how (l/n) is with food."

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