"We should totally go to that burger place!" Kaminari pointed, already drooling practically tasting his favorite food.
"Then go!" Katsuki snapped.
"(y/n) what do you want for lunch?" Kirishima asked, you thought for a moment closing an eye as you did so.
"Ah...pizza!" You perked up at the thought of food.
"There is a really good place just right down the street!" Midoriya pointed out, causing Katsuki to turn towards the group of ten following everywhere he and you went. You saw Katsuki about to explode.
"Let's go!" You gestured with your hand.
"Yes!" Your friends cheered all dashing in that direction.
Katsuki turned away, masking his face hiding the sharp feeling inside his chest cutting away at his heart. Katsuki crawled into bed alone last night, with the expectation of having you all to himself today, he was looking forward to it. Did you not feel the same?
"Come on." Your voice interrupted his train of thought, his eyes flicked to your hand curling around his. You flashed a smile made just for him melting Katsuki's heart allowing you to drag him following the group.
Katsuki kept his eyes locked on your face, remembering Recovery Girls words so clearly:
"I think it's incredible that she is still so kind."
Katsuki glared at the back of Midoriya's head as the two of you joined the group. Midoriya began to sweat feeling the laser focus on the back of his skull. He was thankful looks couldn't kill...yet.
"This place looks pretty good." Kaminari commented the group piled inside.
"(y/n)-" Mina turned your attention to her. "-you look nice today."
Katsuki flinched at the words, feeling his mothers glare on his back, had he complimented your appearance today!?
This was the first of his mother's advice last night. After his folks found out he was going on a date with you they lit up like a Christmas tree. Mitsuki barked out ways Katsuki should be a gentleman, and threatened him in ways Mitsuki would punish him if he didn't treat you right.
"Yeah!" Kirishima agreed, "You look really cute."
Katsuki slowly craned his head towards his friend, death glowing in his eyes quickly realizing he didn't like other men complimenting you.
"Oh, look there is a spot we could all fit." You pointed to the row of tables, oblivious to the tension in the air.
"Nice find (y/n)!" Momo praised, "How about some of us order and the rest go save those seats?"
"Great plan!" Kirishima jumped, "You guys get your food, I'll save our place!"
"Come on (y/n)-!" Mina grabbed the arm holding your sweet coffee, using your elbow she forcefully pulled you away, your hand slipping through Katsuki's. He snapped around, instantly on guard, a second later he relaxed seeing it was just the pink starburst.
"Bakugo-!" Kirishima waved, "-come help me!"
"Ugh-!" Katsuki groaned, "-this is beneath me!" But walked over anyway seeing more people were starting to come into the building.
"So-!" Mina practically exploded once you two were away from everyone else. "-how did last night go!? You never messaged me back!"
"Ah sorry-" You awkwardly laughed, "-I got home and kinda fell asleep."

Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)
أدب الهواةIn a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me" unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to...