Chapter Forty Six

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The day ended with you all having to cook your own dinner. Much to your luck, no one asked you about your interaction with Tiger. You were pretty sure Aizawa threatened their life's.

You laughed as Bakugo blew up an oven. Cooking with your classmates ended up to be fun in the end. The food tasted questionable but you all were so hungry you didn't care.

The next day you trained with Aizawa, since none of the pussycats wanted to work with you which you expected. The third day you worked with Shoto to improve your water quirk and him his fire quirk. On day four you worked with Kaminari for both your lightening quirks.

Your muscles were tense on day five. You stood in front a lake with Tiger behind you, your heart pounded in your chest. You were supposed to pick up small beads of water and control them, but all you could focus on was not getting stabbed in the back. Aizawa did swing by every so often to check on your progress, or to keep an eye on Tiger.

"Come on!" Tiger annoyingly lectured. "You can't pick up a few measly pieces of water!? How do you ever expect to go plus ultra with this attitude!?"

"Yeah...I'm not really into that plus ultra-stuff." You replied, turning to him. You weren't even sure you could become a true hero.

"I am surprised to see you have weakened in the years since I have last seen you!" Tiger pushed.

"Water is hard." You replied.

"It's just a few pieces of water!"

"Which is why it's hard." You snapped. "Large bodies of water are easy, small pieces are stupid."

"If you were still under Shadow Jack, what would he do?" Tiger questioned; your shoulder muscles tensed just then. You could feel a dark presence reach out, grazing your back as you fought ignore the feeling.

"I know you are just trying to get a reaction outta me-" You say, watching him bounce around the area. "-but with all due respect, shut the fuck up."

"I know you have more than just that!" Tiger mocked, "Where is that tenacity when you and that loose cannon attacked me huh!?"

"I said shut up." You warned, your chest tightened at the mention of Shiro.

"Or what-!?" Tiger laughed, "- you'll kill me? You couldn't kill me then, what makes you think you can even take me on without that nut job watching your back!?"

"Shut the fuck up!" You snapped; anger boiled your blood as your eyes locked onto Tiger, the water inside the pond behind you stirred awake. "Don't fucking bring his name up!"

"Which one?" Tiger pressed, "Shadow Jack, or the guy you tried to kill my family with."

Fucking both!

You could feel your scars burning from the past leaking into your sight. You felt them reach out trying to pull you down under water, you felt yourself beginning to drown inside Tiger's words.

Your fists balled together; your head throbbed in pain at the unwanted memories plaguing you.

"Shut up!" You through your hands up, water rushing towards Tiger, before he could get out of the way his entire body was encased in solid ice, the ground rumbled in protest. Aizawa turned from watching Shoto and Bakugo feeling the ground rock.

"Shit." He breathed, before bolting towards the pond with an audience on his trail.

"You were already told we had no choice! I get it, it was scary, you almost died but you didn't and you still can't let it go! You stand there and act like you're the only victim from that night-!" You yelled, "-you have no idea the consequences we walked into!"

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