Chapter Four

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"For starters-" Mr. Principle chirped in shifting in his chair, "-who are you three?"

"We are no one special-" Shiro forced himself to answer, "-we are just a bunch of kids in the wrong place, at the wrong time."

"What does that mean?" Midnight asked, "Why did Shadow Jack target you?"

"He liked us." Shiro said, glaring into the distance as his eyes glassed over being pulled into a broken past he cannot escape from.

"And by that you mean you displayed great promise with your quirks?" Midnight guessed.

"Yeah." Shiro nodded, "He tracked us to our homes, when it was dark he and his Jackers slipped into my house and slaughtered my family with a smile on his face."

"Wh-" Midnight gasped, looking to Aizawa.

"How old were you?" Aizawa brushed off the dark back story.

"Ten." Shiro said, glancing towards his friend. "Gray was a few months older than me, and (y/n) was six."

"S-Six-!?" Midnight breathed, "-as in years old!?"

"That is how age usually works." Shiro muttered.

"How did the heroes and police in your hometowns not get alerted to three missing children?" All Might tightened his fists, feeling like he failed!

"They didn't take us at the same time, a couple months apart in different small towns so suspension wouldn't get raised."

"What did they want with you three?"

"Like I said-" Shiro shrugged his sore shoulders, "-he just liked something about us."

"If Shadow Jack was so taken by your quirks-" Aizawa butted in, "-then why were you three shoved inside that machine?"

The teachers turned to look at Shiro, waiting for the interesting question to be answered.

"Shadow Jack-" All Might trailed off, "-he said it was a punishment. What did you do?"

"More like what didn't we do." Shiro corrected, "He brutally trained us-"

"To do what?" Aizawa pushed.

"Every good villain has exposable tools." Shiro answered as broadly as he could.

"You did his dirty work." Aizawa figured out.

"That's one way to sum it up." Shiro muttered playing with the blanket in his lap.

"So, what changed?" Aizawa took over the interrogation.

"Well..." Shiro trailed off, turning to look at you. "...her."

"Huh?" Midnight and All Might replied together.

"What about her?" Aizawa asked.

"She was the first one of us forced inside that machine." Shiro sorrily went on, "She had had enough during our last mission together."

"What was that mission?" Aizawa pressed even harder.

"To take out the chief of police."


"Yeah." Shiro nodded, "But she refused."

"Why?" Aizawa replied.

"Because she refused to take a life of an innocent person." Shiro turned looking into Aizawa's eyes. "So, when they couldn't crack her to do what Shadow Jack wanted...they repurposed her."

"Inside the machine to make you into a human battery." Aizawa summed up.


"Did you know about what Shadow Jack was building?"

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