Yui and you broke apart due to the new Nomu, you went to reach out, but you were lifted off your feet. Growling echoed in your ear as the Nomu's claws dug into your flesh, slicing through it causing blood to drip to freedom.
"Ugh!" You bit through the pain, you were tired of being lifted in the freaking air and treated like a ragdoll! Lightening erupted around you; it was the one quirk that exhausted you the most, but it seemed the most effective against them. The Nomu cried out in what sounded like pain, but you couldn't think about these things being a person once.
Right now, you had to worry about your friends. You slammed into the ground, unable to use your wind quirk to soften the blow like you did earlier. You groaned in pain as you rolled onto your side.
"Are you ok!?" Toru cried, rushing to your side.
"Just peachy." You moaned; you shook your head.
"How do you feel!?"
"Like I just fell to the ground." You grunted, picking yourself up. Your brows knitted together in confusion, seeing red droplets drip onto your skin. You reached upward, your hand felt wet and warm. Were you bleeding?
"(y/n)-?" Toru went to ask, your eyes widened, quickly grabbing Toru and rolling out of the way of a chain saw. You bounced onto your ass, your stared speechless as that thing tore up the ground like it was made of hot butter.
You didn't have the reaction time needed to respond to Toru. One of the Nomu's six arms flung sideways towards you.
"AH!" You cried out in pain, your back arched as you felt the chainsaw slicing through your leg.
"I got you!" Yui jumped, wrapping her arms under your arm pits and yanking you backwards. You ground your teeth, staring down at the bloodied mess that was your leg. "You think you can walk!?"
"I don't got much of a choice." You clamored, Yui removed her belt quickly wrapping it above the fresh wound in hopes this will stop the gushing blood.
"We need to do something." Yui laid back respiring deeply as she watched her three clones get shredded by the six-armed Nomu and the remaining two get torn apart by the yellow one.
"Yui." You slowly breathed, feeling lightheaded.
"You think you can summon one more of your clones up?" You breathed, none of your quirks were working against these things, the only thing that did anything was lightening but to use that quirk its drains all energy you held, and you didn't currently have much remaining.
"Ah...I don't have much left, but maybe why?" Yui questioned, you and her scrambled to get out of the Nomu's line of fire.
"You think we can spare one and send it on a little errand for us?" You breathed deeply trying to keep your footing as you jumped another one of the blue Nomu's attacks.
"Ah, yeah, sure. Just give me a second!"
"I don't think we got that." You whispered, as both Nomu's locked their sights onto you. "Toru, I need you to do something for me."
"I need you to run with Yui's clone and go find a pro-hero."
"I'm not leaving you!" She yelped; your ice reached the two Nomu's encasing them but not for long.
"The teachers don't know these things are here." You panted, "We can't risk leading them to the other kids. I overused my quirks in training today, I don't have much left in me, with my leg like this I can't outrun those thing. And Yui is in no better shape to run. I need you to go!"
"Go!" Yui shouted, seeing the ice began to crack. You turned but tilted your head seeing Yui's clone jog to where you think Toru was.
"Is that me?" You pointed to the clone who resembled you.
"Sorry!" Yui awkwardly laughed,
"We are counting on you." You say, "We will hold the Nomu here for as long as we can."
"Go!" You gestured, with a tearful expression she knew you couldn't see, Toru broke off into a run with the clone following close behind. You turned around, hearing the ice shatter. "So, you made a clone of me." You smirked as the Nomu broke free, "I'm flattered."

Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader)
FanficIn a world where quirks grant extraordinary abilities, freedom becomes a precious commodity, and the pursuit of heroism takes a daunting turn. "Burn Me" unravels a gripping tale of liberation and resilience as you break the shackles of oppression to...