Chapter Thirty Two

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"You morons-!" Gran Torino roughly scolded; "-you could have gotten yourselves killed! Do you have any idea how bad things could have gone!? Did you even think before you jumped into that fight!?"

"Yes." Shoto stalely nodded.

"Gran-" Midoriya started but was cut off.

"Did you even think about what dragging (y/n) into this battle would mean for her!?"


"You four don't have your hero licenses, you don't even have permits yet and you jumped into a fight! (y/n) was just released from prison, did you stop and think before sending her that message!?"

"What does that-"

"It is not a secret that some of the police force feel (y/n) should be in prison, thanks to UA and the chief that didn't happen, she was released but-"

"You're not saying she could be arrested again!?"

"What for-?" Shoto questioned, "-if she is to be arrested for that fight, so should we three-"

"Oh-!" Gran Torino growled; "-I could lecture you three for hours! But before I do you all have a visitor."

The door opened just then to see the chief of police walking in with you by his side.

"Wha-!?" Midoriya gasped, the three young heroes struggled to raise to their feet.

"No please-" The chief waved, "-stay seated, woof."

'Woof!?' Midoriya's mouth dropped open.

"So, you're the four UA students who brought down the hero killer?" Shoto watched as you walked to the open bed and slowly took a seat, still holding onto your side.

"We are." Shoto nodded.

"Stain has a few serious injuries; third degree burns and several broken bones. He is currently in the hospital under strict guard, woof."

"Sir-" Midoriya spoke up once the police chief stopped speaking, looking away from your tired face.

"-it is against the law for uncertified people to use their quirks to cause injury." The chief kept saying. "Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain."


"That means the four of you and your supervisors are sure to receive harsh punishment for this gross abuse of your power." The chief explained, "(y/n) it took a great deal of effort to release you from the prison you were sent too, I placed a lot of faith into you and here you are jumping into-"

"Now wait a minute-" Shoto stood. "If it wasn't for Ida stepping in, Native would-be dead right now. And if not for (y/n) all five of us would have been killed last night. Are you saying we should have stood by and watch people die!?"

"Hey-" Midoriya tried to calm Shoto, but was brushed off.

"So, it's ok to break the law as long as it goes your way?" The chief questioned.

"Isn't it not a hero's job to save people!?" Shoto countered.

"This is why you're not a pro-hero yet. It's obvious UA hasn't been teaching your four near enough-"

"You damn mutt-!" Shoto spat,

"Stop kid-" Gran Torino called.

"Shoto-" You called, using his first name. Shoto turned to you, you casually popped a whopper into your mouth. "-let him finish."

"What-?" Shoto deeply frowned, why weren't you furious right now?

"What I said is the official stance of the police department." The chief said, "But any form of punishment would only be necessary if this went public. I have already spoken with (y/n) about this and she agreed to keep this quiet."

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