Chapter Fifty Nine

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"Both the first and second years have been split up into four groups-" Aizawa explained as the lot of you stood on the outside of the ruins zone of USJ. "-each group has been assigned a shape, your matching shape in the other grade is your opponent."

"We are the triangle?" Mineta pointed to the flag flapping in the wind standing off to the sidelines.

"Yeah." Aizawa nodded. "There are the triangle, squares, circles and stars."

"It's the first years against the second!" Sero realized.

"How to win-" Aizawa went on, "-the second year's will be considered villains, they will have a number of hostages, your job is to collect the hostages and contain the villains."

"Sounds easy enough!" Kaminari grinned.

"How you lose-" Aizawa's lazed voice bulldozed over Kaminari's confidence. "-is if the villains can capture just half of you, then they win."

"Alright!" Kirishima pumped his fist, "All we gotta do is not get caught and rescue the good guys! We got this!"

"Yeah!" Mina, Toru, and Sero agreed cheering. You rolled your eyes; it was always easier said than done.

"(y/n)-" Aizawa called you over. "-you have to wear these." He pointed to a familiar wooden box resting by his feet.

"Aw come on!" Kaminari groaned, "That's cheating!"

"No, it's not." Aizawa replied as you slipped on the weights to both ankles. "This is the requirement required by the teachers for them to allow their students to participate in this exercise."

"But its restricting (y/n)-!"

"That's the point." Aizawa answered watching you stand.

"It's fine." You turned to Mina and Kirishima who protested. "I get it."

"We don't!" Your class bickered back.

"(y/n) has years of experience over all of you combined, that includes the second years. This just makes it a little more fair." Aizawa explained, "Now if your done whining, you can head inside and find your flag that looks like this-" He pointed to the green flag above, "-once you are there the horn will signal to start."

"Why do we need to find a flag?" Jiro asked.

"Because it gives the second years' time to prepare for you." Aizawa smirked, causing his students to grin in exchange.

"We won't let you down Mr. Aizawa!" Mina pointed to him as she followed her class through the double doors.

"You never do." Aizawa mumbled, watching the doors slowly close behind his students.


"So-!" Mina wiggled her eyebrows at you.

"The fuck is wrong with your face?" You questioned her, making Mina laugh. Class A stood around the green flag waving the triangle shape waiting for the horn to sound. You sat on a crumbled rock relaxing your muscles.

"-how did training with the second years go?" Mina inquired, baiting the hook.

"Fine." You shrugged your shoulders. "Nothing to crazy."

"That explosion we heard says something totally different!" Kirishima walked over, "I'm pretty sure it shook the ground!"

"That was wasn't me." You leaned back on your arm.


"Kage was the one who made that."


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