Chapter Eighty Eight

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Mr. Principle hastily traveled down the empty hall, his small round eyes darting side to side before rounding each new corner. Suddenly from a distance laughter rang, the bright cheerful sound crawled up Mr. Principles' spine causing static like shivers as Class 1-A began to pass without noticing their school principal hugging the nearby wall trying to slip away undetected.

Aizawa lazily turned spotting his boss in-between the twenty something student bodies, the dry-eyed hero was just about to call out to Mr. Principle but was abruptly cut off by a familiar voice, earning a throbbing sensation on the side of Aizawa's head watching All Might's skeleton figure come running full force towards the group.

"Didn't know you could still move like that-" Aizawa commented but tilted his head seeing the retired hero panting, sweat visible on his forehead. "-or not." He muttered.

"M-Mr. Principle-!" All Might breathed, leaning against the wall sucking in deep breaths.

"All Might-!" Midoriya worriedly stepped forward, "-are you-?"

"Where is she!?" All Might ignored the greenette, locking his sights onto the stout mouse like man.

"Huh?" Students from class 1-A blinked instantly confused.

"Where is (y/n)!?" All Might clarified searching the crowd with a longing gaze.

"What-?" Mina shook her head following All Might's eyes looking at each of her classmates as if you would magically manifest standing beside Katsuki like you used to do not so long ago.

"Why are you asking about-?" Katsuki stepped closer; his chest instantly felt tightened. These past weeks have been an utter nightmare, Katsuki could barely sleep or eat. He could barely focus on his schoolwork or training knowing you were some place out in the world being used as a human battery.

The anxiety and pain of missing you was eating him from the inside out like a hungry parasite on a mission.

"I was told-" All Might excitedly ignored the students and all their burning questions. "-she was released into you care-"

"WHAT!?" Class 1-A exploded into a ray of emotions quickly spinning around to Mr. Principle who nervously chuckled while adjusting his neck tie.

"I-I was actually searching for you-" Mr. Principle waved his paw.

"It looked like he was trying to sneak away to me." Kaminari muttered causing Sero to nod.

"(y/n) was found!" All Might breathed through his lips, his smile unwavered. "I was told she was checked out by a nearby hospital and then sent here! Where-Where is she!?" All Might repeated, once again scanning the crowd of students. "Wh-Why wasn't I called!?"

"You-You were in class." Mr. Principle appeared antsy.

"That means nothing!" All Might's voice splintered under his emotion.

"(y/n) has been found!?" Mina, with tears forming in her eyes, stepped closer to Mr. Principle who placed a cracked smile feeling himself beginning to heat.

"Why the hell isn't she with you!?" Katsuki pushed through, stepping beside Mina.

"Where is (y/n)?" Midoriya added to the mixture of questions.

"(l/n) is not here." Mr. Principle kept calm composure.

"Wha-?" Ochaco blinked, her eyebrows furrowed glancing over to Midoriya showing her confusion.

"Yes-" Mr. Principle cleared his throat, "-(y/n) was placed into my care after being dropped off. I walked her to your home room expecting a grand reunion but when we got there...we-she heard such gruesome things-"

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