Chapter Seventy Eight

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You didn't return to the new student dorms until late in the night due to spending the day with All Might, he wanted to make sure you were ok after facing Shadow Jack. Locking the door, you turned planning to change and crash in your bed ready to just be alone.

"Where the hell have you been!?"

You snapped your eyes from gazing at the floor, Katsuki stood from the couch.

"What are you doing awake-?"

"What the fuck-!?" Katsuki became alarmed upon seeing your bruised face.

"Nothing." You pulled your head away from his warm fingers.

"Did Shadow Jack-!?"

"No-" You shook your head, eyes feeling heavy ready for sleep. "-this is from the guards-"

"The guards!?" Katsuki stepped in front of you, blocking you from getting far. "Why the hell would they-!?"

"Katsuki-" You tiredly looked into his eyes, you then saw how tense they were, how tired he was but still he stayed up worrying about your wellbeing. "-I'm ok." You brushed your fingers over his cheek, cupping the side of his face.

"Tsk-" He breathed, still appearing to be annoyed. "-you forgot your phone again."

"I did?"

"Yes!" Katsuki bit, "No one could call you; we had no idea what was going on and I-" He cut himself off glancing away. "-I couldn't be with you, but I still need to know what is going on when you're having a meeting with a fucking villain!"

"I'm sorry." You weakly smiled, "I promise I'll do better with the phone thing."

"You better." Katsuki muttered, wrapping his arms around you. "How did it go?"

"It was pointless." You muffled into his shirt.


"We got nothing from Shadow Jack."

"Nothing at all?"

"No, this was all just some game to him."

"That bastard!" Katsuki cursed,

"How did the concert go?"

"Fine." Katsuki smirked, "We killed the school with our music."

"I believe you." You laughed, "Did anyone record it for me?"

"Yes." Katsuki nodded, his hands traveled over your arms sending tingles into your spine. "Come on." He said gripping your hand pulling you with him.

"Huh?" You blinked. "But I wanna watch the video-!" You whined.

"Just come on." Katsuki dragged you through the glass double doors and through the courtyard.

"Where are we going?" You asked but was ignored, Katsuki just kept walking until you were crunching your way through the surrounding forest. "What-?" You went to say but stopped seeing a glow in the dark.

You followed Katsuki stepping through the brush, you looked around a small clearing in the trees. A picnic laid out in the cool grass; lit lanterns illuminated soft light. You turned to Katsuki visibly confused.

"Be my girlfriend." Katsuki bluntly blurted into the open, freezing you in place.

"Uh-Wh-What?" You stammered.

" be my...girlfriend-?" Katsuki tried again, "-please?" He stiffly added, you stared at him, the soothing light outlined the handsome features of his face, he ran a hand through his spikey blond hair as the silence was beginning to weigh down on him.

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