Chapter Seventy

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Inko woke Midoriya up for breakfast All Might cooked up. The green-haired boy was about to turn to you, but his mother told him not to wake you, for All Might wanted you to get as much rest as possible.

By the time you rolled out of bed in the late afternoon, Midoriya and Inko were long gone, having returned to their own home. You woke to warm up pancakes and a stern lecture from All Might about letting Midoriya sleep in your room. You brushed All Might's concerns away, you looked at Midoriya like he had the characteristics of a little puppy dog.

After All Might settled down you wandered back up to your room, where you heard your phone having a heart attack.

"Hello?" You yawned.

"Are you just awaking up!?" Mina's voice screeched through the phone offending your ear drum.

"No." You rubbed your tired face.

"I can hear it in your voice!"


"Are you still in bed!?"

"No..." You pulled your blanket over your body.

"I am on my way over-!" Mina stated, "-you better be up and already showered!"

"But why?" You whined, feeling too warm to move.

"Because I am going to help you get you ready for your date-!" Mina called, "-Duh!"

"My what?" You sleepily replied.

"Your date!?" Mina repeated, "With Bakugo that is in two hours!"

"Mm." You hummed; the phone line went still as she waited for the realization to hit you. "Wait!?" You snapped up, "Today is Saturday!?"

"It has been all day long." Mina replied. "Shower, up, now!" She called before hanging up. After rubbing your eyes, you stumbled to the bathroom hoping for a shower which did help stir you awake.

"Oh, hello Mina-" All Might watched the puffy haired girl walk past him. "-what are-?"

"Hello Mr. Toshi!" Mina waved as she hopped up the stairs quickly finding your bedroom. "Good!" She grinned seeing the damp hair.

"It's so early." You whined.

"It is three in the afternoon." Mina stated, "Your just tired because your body is trying to overwork itself to heal your leg."

"My leg is fine." You pouted sitting on your bed as Mina got to work on your hair and makeup. After blow drying it, she threw some beach waves through the strands of your hair. Mina smiled watching you laugh at one of her jokes as she did your make-up, teaching you tricks and tips on how to do this on your own.

"Wow." Mina breathed, watching you stand before her all dressed and ready for your first date. "You look amazing!"

"Thanks Mina." You flashed a smile, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Look ridiculous-" Mina went to joke but was interrupted by the doorbell. "-he is early!?"

"Yeah." You replied, seeing his message running across your screen, letting you know he was here.

"Alright!" Mina bounced on her feet. "Are you ready!?"

"I-I guess so?" You muttered, "What do I even do on-"

"Just be yourself!"

"I don't know how to do that!"

"Yes, you do-" Mina waved, "-you do it all the time without even knowing!"

You and Mina walked downstairs, seeing a confused All Might looking at Bakugo who stood in the doorway, dressed up with flowers in his hand.

"Aw!" Mina breathed holding her hands to your chest seeing the flowers for you, she took a seat on the stairs. You walked over to him, he blushed holding them out for you to take. You wrapped your hand around the cool bouquet of colored flowers, staring at them.

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