chapter 3

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Next day( 2:00 pm)

Y/n completed all the house chorus and now sitting in living room watching tv, when her phone starting ringing

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Y/n completed all the house chorus and now sitting in living room watching tv, when her phone starting ringing. She saw her mother is calling so she answered it.

Y/n= hello maa. How are you?
Y/m= I'm fine. What about you and Tahir?
Y/n= we are also fine maa. How come you called me suddenly.
Y/m= why can't I call my daughter now.
Y/n= aree I was kidding. Now tell me.
Y/m= so you know that Yuvi is getting married after 2 months so I called you so you and Tahir can come and stay with us 1 month before, and I don't want to hear any excuse.
Y/n= maa Tahir has so much workload I don't know if we can come that early ,but I will ask him.
Y/m= i don't know anything you have to come that's it.
Y/n= ok ok.
Y/m= ok bye.
Y/n= hmm bye. Love you.


Door bell rang. Y/n opened the door to see an exhausted Tahir standing. After letting him enter y/n helped him with his coat and bag.

Y/n= you go and freshen up I'll set the dinner.

Tahir nodded and went upstairs to their room. Y/n went to kitchen and started setting the food on dinning table.

After sometime Tahir came and they started having their dinner in silence

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After sometime Tahir came and they started having their dinner in silence.
After dinner Tahir went to his office while y/n started washing dishes.


Y/n entered in room and saw Tahir working on laptop

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Y/n entered in room and saw Tahir working on laptop. She took her clothes and went to freshen up. After doing her night routine she came out and went towards the bed and sat beside Tahir.

Y/n= Tahir
Tahir= hmm
Y/n= today mom called and said we need to come 1 month before for Yuvi bhaiya's wedding.
Tahir= so?
Y/n= so can we go 1 month before?

Tahir remained silent for few minutes but then nodded making y/n so happy that she hugged him in excitement, but quickly pulled back when she realized what she did and went to sleep while blushing.

Y/n p.o.v

After doing my night routine I decided to ask Tahir about what mom said. I asked him ,but didn't expected him to say yes. But he when he said yes I became super excited and happy that I hugged him but pulled back immediately when I realized what I did and started blushing and went to sleep to hide from him.

End of p.o.v

Tahir p.o.v

I was working when y/n came and sat beside me. She was looking at me like she wanted to say something and she asked me if we can go 1 month before for her brother's wedding. I wanted to spend some time with her and this was a good chance so I agreed, but got shocked when y/n suddenly hugged me. I felt happy when she hugged me,  but then she realized what she did and immediately pulled out and went to sleep hiding her blushing face. But I saw it and it made me really happy. Especially when she hugged me her skin felt so good and she smelled like strawberries with a pinch of vanilla which made me a little needy. Aah how much  I wanted to be in that warm hug a little longer, but it's fine. I'll make her mine completely soon.
I completed my work. Then I saw my y/n sleeping. I placed my laptop at the nightstand and turned to y/n and back hugged her then, went to sleep while inhaling her scent which made me relaxed.

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