chapter 13

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Next day, Tahir woke up and saw his wife sleeping beside him while hugging his body, he wore his shorts and laid beside her, he was looking at her with eyes full of love occasionally kissing her face. Y/n started moving feeling something on face. She slowly opened her eyes to see her husband staring at her. She felt shy and started blushing. She tried to hide herself inside the sheets, but Tahir also went inside the sheets and said,

Tahir= good morning sweetheart.
Y/n(blushing*)= go..good mor..ning.
Tahir= why are you hiding, it's not like I haven't seen anything last night.
Y/n(blushing*)= yaah, I feel..I feel shy.
Tahir= oh so after shouting my name last night like crazy now you feel shy, huh.
Y/n= yah, stop it you pervert.

Y/n playfully hitted his shoulder and decided to get up.

Tahir(smirking*)= need my help?
Y/n= no, I can manage it.

Y/n tried to stand but instantly fell on the bed. Tahir went towards her and took her in bridal style. He went to washroom and placed her on the sink.

Tahir= I told you you'll need my help.
Y/n= I can't even stand all because of you.
Tahir= all because of me and who was asking me to go faster last night?

Tahir asked rasing his eyebrow. Y/n became shy and said.

Y/n= ok now go I have to take shower.
Tahir= let's take shower together.
Y/n= Tahir no today is sangeet and I have to dance.
Tahir(puppy eyes*)= baby, please I promise I will not do anything else.
Y/n= promise.
Tahir= promise.
Y/n= okay.
Tahir= thankyou, baby. Let's take bubble bath.


After getting ready they went downstairs for breakfast.

At dinning table.

Y/n saw Javin and intentionally made Lisa sit beside Javin

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Y/n saw Javin and intentionally made Lisa sit beside Javin. They all had breakfast and started doing things for the evening function.


In evening.

Your look

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Your look.

Tahir look

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Tahir look.

Today was sangeet

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Today was sangeet. You all were ready for your performance.  You made sure that Javin and Lisa dance together.

( blue you and Tahir, peach Jatin and Rose, Green Lisa and Javin.)

During your performance you saw Javin and Lisa looking at eachother with love, while Tahir was teasing you by touching you seductively during dance.

After dance.

Lisa p.o.v

When I was dancing with Javin my heart was beating so fast. Even when I first met him, I felt something, like a connection, whenever I'm near him I feel different. Do I like him? I should talk to y/n.

End of p.o.v

Lisa went to y/n.

Lisa= y/nie.
Y/n= what happened Lisa?
Lisa= y/n I.. I think..I'
Y/n= what, but with whom?
Lisa= you know Tahir's younger brother Javin, I think I like him.
Y/n= omo, congrats.
Lisa= but I don't know if he likes me.
Y/n= hmm, you know what I think you should confess your feelings to him before anyone else do.
Lisa= but..but how?
Y/n= I'll send him in balcony.
Lisa= ok.
Y/n= go I'll send him in 10 minutes.
Lisa= ok, thanks.
Y/n= welcome and all the best.

Lisa went from there y/n started finding Javin. She went to Javin and said.

Y/n= Javin what are you doing here, go to Lisa. She is in balcony and I think someone is going to confess to her.
Javin(shocked*)= WHAT?!
Y/n= yes, go if you don't want to lose her.
Javin= wait, I'm going.
Y/n= all the best.

Javin instantly went to the balcony where Lisa was. Tahir came towards Y/n and said.

Tahir= what happened sweetheart?
Y/n= nothing just my cute mr. Bunny is gonna get his love today.
Tahir= ohh, but why are you calling him cute and bunny. Do you want me to punish you again.
Y/n= shut up my perverted jealous coldie.

Tahir playfully glared at y/n. She looked at him with smile and pecked his lips holding his hands. Tahir also smiled at her.

Meanwhile, in balcony...

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