chapter 7

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They reached home and they had lunch as it was time for lunch. After lunch they all decided to go out. Irena was once again clinging on Tahir, but y/n ignored it and started talking to sid which made Tahir mad, Javin and sid were noticing all of this.


After visiting different places and having dinner they all came back and went to their rooms.

In y/n and Tahir's room

As they entered the room Tahir pinned y/n to the wall making her shocked and looked at her with dark eyes, then said in deep voice

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As they entered the room Tahir pinned y/n to the wall making her shocked and looked at her with dark eyes, then said in deep voice

Tahir= what were you trying to do huh?
Y/n= what?
Tahir= remember it that you are mine and only mine.

This behavior of Tahir made y/n angry so she decided to say all the things that she was keeping inside her till now.

Y/n= oh so now you remember that I'm yours.
Tahir= yes you are mine and I'll make sure that you'll remember that. And don't you dare get close to any other man especially to that friend of yours.
Y/n= why? He is my friend and also I can do whatever I want who are you to stop me?
Tahir= you are my wife and I'm your husband.
Y/n= my husband. Have you ever behaved like one, you didn't even care when somebody insults your wife and you call yourself my husband. You always let other women close to you, but now I'm close to my friend then you have problems. I'm sorry Mr. Kim but I don't think you have any rights to say anything to me.

Tahir was stunned by what y/n said. His grip gradually loosed. Y/n was about to go but Tahir held her hand and softly said.

Tahir= I know I'm not a very good husband but believe me you really mean a lot to me, and I'm sorry I hurt you I really didn't mean to hurt you at all.
Y/n= but you did that to a lot. It hurts when you are cold to me. It hurts when others women clings on my husband and insults me and he doesn't even take stand for me.
Tahir= I know I did wrong but please give me another chance. I really love you y/n.

Y/n was stunned by the sudden confession she freezed at her place. Tahir hugged y/n and said.

Tahir= I love you. Please don't leave me.

Y/n didn't said anything for a few minutes but then she felt something wet on her shoulder. She turned to see Tahir crying which instantly melted her and she hugged him back.

Y/n= shh. It's okay I forgive you.
Tahir= really.
Y/n= hmm.

Tahir hugged her more tightly and started mumbling.

Tahir= I love you y/n. Thank you so much. I really love you.
Y/n= I love you too.

After hearing what y/n said Tahir instantly fulled from the hug and looked in her eyes and then his eyes fell on her lips. He looked back in her eyes asking for permission to which y/n slowly nodded. He instantly pulled her into a passionate kiss full of love. After few minutes they broke the kiss and started breathing heavily due to lack of breath, but started smiling.
But suddenly Tahir smile changed to a smirk, which confused y/n. His next words made y/n shocked and shy At the same time.

Tahir= now, you need punishment for making me angry, jealous and what not for so many times. Get ready babygirl.
Y/n(blushing*)= Ta..Ta...Tahir we should sleep we have go for shopping also tommrow.

Tahir started laughing seeing y/n's red face and said

Tahir= relax babygirl I was kidding. Aww my baby is blushing .

Y/n lightly hitted his chest and to washroom to change and then sleep.

After doing night routine they were laying on the bed.

Tahir= y/n come here.

Y/n got confused but went near Tahir he hugged her tightly and gave a peck on her forehead and said.

Tahir= good night wifey.
Y/n(blushing*)= good night hubby.

Then they went to sleep in eachothers arms feeling warmed by their love.


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