chapter 17

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Tahir p.o.v

I came from office. I was exhausted, but then I saw my beautiful wife. She came towards me and helped me with my coat and bag. After that she told me take shower and come for dinner. While I was showering I was thinking of something. I wanted to cuddle with y/n naked. After taking shower I went downstairs and had dinner. After dinner, we decided to watch a movie. We went to couch and were hugging eachother. Y/n was watching movie, but I was just looking at her, thinking if I should ask her about what I thought earlier or not. But y/n noticed me looking at her and asked.

Y/n= what happened? Do you want something?

I looked and her for few minutes then said.

Tahir= umm. I was thinking something. Actually I wanted to try something.
Y/n(confused*)= what?
Tahir= umm. Iwantedtocuddlewithyounaked.
Y/n= what?
Tahir= I.. I wanted to cuddle with you.
Y/n= oh you wanted cuddles, but why were you stuttering for such a simple thing.  Come we can cuddle.
Tahir= actually I wanted to cuddle with you NAKED.

End of p.o.v

Y/n got shocked but started blushing. Tahir looked at her and said.

Tahir= it's okay if you are uncomfortable.
Y/n= we can...cuddle...naked.
Tahir(shocked & happy*)= really.
Y/n(nodding*)= hmm.
Tahir= I love you baby.

Saying that he instantly picked her up and went to their room. After entering he placed her gently and immediately removed his clothes while she removed her clothes.
They both went to bed and cuddled each snuggling eachother, feeling each others warmth.

Tahir= I was so exhausted by all the work today. It feel so relaxing. We should do this regularly.

Y/n lightly chuckled and hummed. She slowly started massaging his scalp making him feel more relaxed while he just kept snuggling into her boobs feeling their softness.

After a few minutes Tahir thought of something naught. He bited y/n's nipple making her moan. Y/n glared at her while he just smirked at her teasingly.

Y/n(glaring*)= don't do it.
Tahir(smirking*)= why? I know you liked it.
Y/n= do you want to sleep on couch.
Tahir= ok. Ok. Sorry madam.

They again cuddled and went to sleep.

Next morning(6:00)

Y/n woke up and saw Tahir sleeping while snuggling into her boobs. She softly smiled at him and pecked his forehead. Then she slowly tried to get out of his tight grip around her waist. But he tightened his grip even more whining. Y/n massaged his scalp and said softly.

Y/n= Tahir leave me I have to prepare breakfast. So leave me.
Tahir(sleepy voice*)= no. Do it later. Let's cuddle for some more time now.

Y/n tried to convince him but he didn't let her go. At last she gave up and again went to sleep while cuddling with him.

[Hi guys. I know this chapter is short, but I am not getting any time. I'll try to write longer chapter. Also this series is gonna end after 1 or 2 chapters.

So tell me what you want me write next. You can give suggestions about story , theme and anything, you would like to read.

Also don't forget to vote for this chapter and leave a comment if you like it.

Your author. ]

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