chapter 4

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1 month and 7 days before wedding

Right now Tahir is working on his laptop sitting on the bed while y/n is using her phone sitting on the sofa in their room. Suddenly y/n said

Y/n= Tahir invite bhaiya and bhabhis along with Jatin and Javin, to come with us I have already invited Rose and Lisa.
Tahir= ok. I will also invite Irena to join us.

Y/n just nodded and again started using her phone. While Tahir got confused with her sudden mood change, but as always ignored it and started doing his work.
Actually Irena is Tahir's father's friend's daughter, but she likes Tahir and always talk bad and insult y/n, which hurt her very much.

1 month and 1 day before wedding

Everyone is ready to leave for y/n's house in Delhi as they live in Mumbai.
Everyone is waiting for y/n when they heard sound of footsteps and turn to get shocked to see y/n in a saree looking like a complete goddess.

Your Look

Tahir was looking at her with his mouth open

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Tahir was looking at her with his mouth open.

Jatin= Tahir close you mouth or a fly will enter in it.

Tahir instantly closed his mouth, while others laughed at him making him embarrassed. But he clenched his jaws when he saw Javin going towards y/n.

Tahir p.o.v

I was waiting for y/n with everyone else when we heard sound of heels clicking, I turned to see y/n, but looking at her made me forget everything thing else. She was looking hot and sexy in a saree which was complementing her curves making her look nothing less than a goddess.
I was looking at her with my mouth open when suddenly jatin said me to close my mouth making me embarrassed.
I was looking here and there but then I saw Javin going towards y/n so I instantly said

Tahir= we should leave our jet is ready.
Irena= yes Tahir baby.

Irena said while clinging on Tahir which made y/n sad but she can't do anything so she tried to ignore it and started going with everyone else.

End of Tahir p.o.v


They went towards Maheshwari groups private jets which is owned by Tahir

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They went towards Maheshwari groups private jets which is owned by Tahir.

After entering Irena sat beside Tahir which made y/n jealous and sad but she went to another seat and sat their but later javin joined her

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After entering Irena sat beside Tahir which made y/n jealous and sad but she went to another seat and sat their but later javin joined her.

Y/n p.o.v

After getting ready I came down and saw Irena clinging on my coldie but he didn't stopped her or said anything  to her which made sad but I ignored it and then we went to airport.
In flight I wanted to sit beside Tahir but Irena sat their before me and again Tahir didn't said anything to her so I silently went to another seat and sat their.  I was looking outside the window, I really wanted to cry but I controlled myself.  After sometime I felt someone siting beside me I turned to see Javin. He saw me and gave his charming bunny smile. Then he said

Javin= it hurts when she clings on him and he does not say anything to her.

I didn't said anything just looked down. But Javin held my hand and said

Javin= y/n you are the best girl for Tahir. I'm 2 years younger than him but I know it. I know it hurts, his coldness, Irena everything but believe me bhai really likes you.
Y/n= I don't know.  Sometimes I just can't help it and think things.
Javin= shh. It will be fine. Now show me your beautiful smile.

Y/n smiled.

Javin= oh god. Such a beauty sometimes I think how did that jerk got an angle like you.

Y/n laughed at Javin's sentence.

Javin= y/n I want you to find a girl just like you for me. Please.
Y/n= oh. Someone got demands. Okay my small brother in law I will make sure to find the perfect girl for you. Mr. Bunny .

Javin and y/n laughed.

End of p.o.v

Tahir p.o.v

I wanted to sit beside y/n but Irena sat beside me. I wanted to say Irena to sit on another seat but I couldn't. I saw y/n looked sad when she saw Irena sitting beside me and went towards another seat.
Irena was continuously speaking but my full attention was on y/n. I was looking at her when I saw Javin sitting beside her making me jealous as I wanted to sit beside her. Then he started talking something to her I wanted to hear what they were talking but I couldn't as I was sitting I little far from them.
Javin said something and then held y/n's hand which my blood boiled instantly. They were talking while he was holding her hand, then he said something which made her smile. Now I was burning in anger.
Then they started laughing while talking, that's it I can't take it anymore,  i was going towards them but Irena held my hands and take off announcements started because of which I had to sit back. But rest of the ride i was angry as hell
(Tahir= get ready babygirl, feels like you need punishment for making daddy mad)

End of p.o.v

After 4 hours flight landed at Delhi airport.

MY COLD PERVERTED HUSBAND << TAEHYUNG FF Where stories live. Discover now