chapter 5

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After 4 hours they landed in Delhi.


Now they are sitting in limousine and this time Tahir made sure that he is the one sitting beside y/n

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Now they are sitting in limousine and this time Tahir made sure that he is the one sitting beside y/n.

(Y/n is sitting between Tahir and Javin while Tahir is sitting between Y/n and Irena)

Seeing Tahir sitting beside y/n made Irena angry so she started insulting y/n

Irena= Tahir you have became thin from before, looks like this y/n doesn't even take care of you. How will she, when she is always busy with herself only.

After hearing what Irena said Tahir becomes angry but didn't said anything to her as he didn't wanted that his father's friendship get affected because of them.
Seeing Tahir silent broke y/n's heart completely. Javin heard what Irena said and then saw Tahir and then y/n. Then he replied to Irena

Javin= Irena don't assume that everyone is like you. You know self-centered. If you can't speak normally then keep your trashy mouth shut or else someone will throw trash in it thinking it's a trash can.

After listening to Javin, Irean became angry and but didn't utter a word, while y/n looked at Javin with a small smile which didn't go unnoticed by Tahir.

Y/n p.o.v

We were sitting in limousine and I felt happy when Tahir sat beside me, but then Irena said something that hurted me. I really hoped that Tahir will take stand for me but he didn't said anything which completely broke my heart. I was once again looking down  when I heard Javin saying something to Irena making me little happy but still I was hurt by Tahir. I just gave Javin a small smile.

Javin p.o.v

We were sitting in limousine and then I heard what Irena said about y/n. I thought Tahir will support y/n but looking at silent Tahir made me angry so I replied to Irena making her mouth shut. Then I saw y/n giving me a weak smile.

(Javin= Bhai sometimes i really think you don't deserve an angel like y/n. I will make sure you realize what you are doing and what you can lose. It's my promise.)

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