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After 1.5 year.

Tahir came back from office and saw his wife and son Tahin

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Tahir came back from office and saw his wife and son Tahin. He smiled although he was tired and went towards them.


Actually after that night, y/n became pregnant like they wanted. After 9 full months of her tantrums, mood swings, cravings and making Tahir go completely mad, she gave birth to their baby boy Tahin.
The day she gave birth was the most special day of their life. They became parents.


Y/n was playing with Tahin. Tahir came and sat beside them, sidehugging y/n, looking at Tahin. Y/n looked at him and said.

Y/n= you came?
Tahir(snuggling in her neck*)= hmm.
Y/n= tired.
Tahir= hmm.
Y/n= go, take shower. I'll put Tahin in his room and will set dinner.

Tahir hummed and went to take shower, while y/n did her work.
After having their dinner, y/n made Tahin sleep and went to her room.
Yes, Tahin sleep in his room as his dad don't like him sleeping with her mom. First y/n didn't agree with Tahir but in the end she had to gave up.

She reached their shared room and saw her husband sitting on bed working on his laptop. Tahir saw y/n entering and started staring at her. He closed his laptop and kept it on the side table staring at his wife. Tahir was observing her each and every move. Y/n noticed Tahir and asked.

Y/n= What happened, why are you staring at me like that?Tahir= nothing, just looking at my wife

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Y/n= What happened, why are you staring at me like that?
Tahir= nothing, just looking at my wife. Any problem?
Y/n= no, no. Why Will I have any problem.

Y/n was standing infront of mirror. Your night wear.

Tahir came near you and backhugged you, keeping his face in your neck sniffing it

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Tahir came near you and backhugged you, keeping his face in your neck sniffing it. He looked at you through the mirror.

Tahir= you feel so soft.

Y/n chuckled. Tahir turned her around, gently kissing her. After a passionate kiss, they broke it, connecting their forehead. Tahir picked her up and went towards the bed. He gently putted her bed and went above her, hovering at her small figure. He again kissed her lips, then went towards her neck leaving butterfly kisses on her neck, making her moan softly. He was going to open her shirt, but suddenly they hear crying sound breaking their moment. Tahir got frustrated as he really wanted y/n just by himself today. Y/n removed Tahir and went towards their son room. She entered the room and saw her son crying. She gently picked him up crassing his back.
She took him to her room. Tahir looked at them. She sat on bed, beside Tahir, trying to calm her baby down but he kept crying.

Y/n= what happened, baby. Please don't cry.
Tahin= mama..mama.
Y/n= yes, baby. Mommy is here, what happened, baby. Stop crying.
Tahin= mama..booboo...booboo.

Y/n understood that he was hungry. She lifted her shirt and and brought her boobs near his face. He instantly started sucking on his food.
Tahir was looking staring at his son who was sucking on his mother's breast, as it was most delicious thing. Then Tahir looked at other boob which was free. He tried to touch it but y/n instantly hitted his hand away. Y/n glared at him. As she was glaring at him Tahin bitted her nipple forcefully making her moan in pain.

Y/n= Ahh..
Tahir= what happened?
Y/n= nothing he just bitten my nipples.

Tahir felt jealous as his son was sucking and even biting her wife's breast, which he used to do.

Tahir= why do you feed him directly. Feed him with bottle now he is big enough.
Y/n(looking at him*)= why?
Tahir= I don't like it. You feeding him. And he is using a thing belong to me, and how can he bite your nipples.
Y/n(glaring*)= no. He is small and he need to be feeded with mama's milk. Its healthy for baby. I agreed with you making him sleep in different room, but not this time.

Tahir pouted and looked at his with eyes full of jealousy. After sometime Tahin slept. Y/n made him sleep properly on bed with them only.

Tahir= why are you making him sleep here.
Y/n= let him sleep here for today.
Tahir= but...
Y/n= no buts.
Tahir= you don't love me anymore after Tahin came.
Y/n(laughing*)= is my hubby jealous.
Tahir= don't talk to me.
Y/n= don't be angry, you are always my first baby. My love. The father of my child. I love you. You both are  equal for me. Most important for me. I love you both equally.
Tahir= hmm. I love you too, wifey.

Tahir pecked y/n forehead and lips, then he pecked his sleeping son forehead.
After that they all cuddled with eachother and slept.


[So this series ends here completely. I have already informed you guys about my new book. If you like this chapter vote and comment also follow my profile for more stories.]

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