Ash Williams and the Town that Time Forgot Chapter 2

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Ash: ...Great-great-grandpa Jack?!

Jack: Beg your pardon?

Ash: Ah no way! Alright listen I'm your great great grandson Ash I'm from the future! And I got shot back to this time period by a vortex after I read from the Necronomicon saving the world from a bunch of zombie furries!

Jack: Comrade, how much of that whiskey have you had?

Ash: I'm as sober as ever! Listen is there anyway you can help me? You guys got a magician or something?

Jack: Uh...we have a gypsy psychic here named Madame LeGrange, but she's probably a frau—

Ash: Oh great! I'm saved! Where is she at?

Jack: Well, since I probably can't change your mind I'll take you to her.

Ash: Aw thanks Gramps! Lead the way!

Jack: ...

And so...

*Ash and Jack are walking through the desert*

Jack: I've been meanin' to ask, what's that big sharp thingy you're haulin' on your back?

Ash: Oh this? *Pulls out his chainsaw* My trusty Excalibur blade! I use this baby to wipe out any and all evil that crosses my path! Just watch. *Attaches it to his stump and revs it up* Ya! *Slices a nearby cactus in half*

Jack: Wow.

*They hear a loud roar in the distance*

Ash: The hell is that?

Jack: That's a monster that's been tormenting us. It's been attacking our cattle and sometimes, our townsfolk.

Ash: Ah.

Jack: Hey, maybe you can help us with it, bet it wouldn't stand a chance against your magic sword.

Ash: Oh no, I'm here to get out of here. Soon as I figure out how to leave, I'm leaving.

Jack: If you say so...

*It roars again*

Jack: We should get running...that roar means it's close.

*They look in the distance. It's coming's a giant lizard like monster with blank white eyes*

Ash: ...white eyes?

Jack: C'mon! Her wagon is just up ahead! *Points to it*

Ash: Right behind ya Gramps!

*They run, they duck into the wagon as the monster scurries past them*

Jack: That was close!

Voice: Ah, guests! I've been expecting you!

*They look over, there's a pretty young woman about early 30s, dressed in lavish robes and cloths all in dark vibrant shades of red and purple*

Woman: Hello Marshal Williams. And hello Ash Williams. I understand you are a man lost in time.

Jack: How did she know—

Woman: I am Madame LeGrange. Lovely to meet you my dear.

Ash: O_O

To be continued

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