Mia Allen and the Monsters of the Mind Chapter 6

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*Mia, shaking, watches in horror as Dominic comes near her with the knife*

Dominic: It's better this way Mia. For everyone. *he raises the knife over his head, Mia screams and dodges, then gets up and starts running*

*Dominic follows behind*

Dominic: Don't fight it Mia. I know it sounds scary but it's for the best. *he picks up speed*

Mia: *runs out of the cabin*

Dominic: I'm just trying to help.

Mia: *ducks into the toolshed, locks it and hides. She notices a shotgun. She checks and sees it's out of ammo. She feels around until she finds a box of shotgun shells when suddenly*

*a knife pops through the wall and just misses her, she screams*

Dominic: Come out Mia. You're not making this any easier.

Mia: *scrambles to load the shotgun but it's difficult when you only have one hand. Dominic continues to stab the shed, missing her, until finally she loads it. She kicks open the door, and shoots Dominic in the chest. But it barely hurts him, as he, like the others, is no longer human at this point. She shoots him again, still to barely any effect*

Dominic: This is getting annoying Mia. You're not getting out of this.

*she prepares to shoot again but he runs and tackles her to the ground, tools get knocked down, including a chainsaw*

Dominic: Don't be scared Mia. It's better this way. *he holds the knife over his head preparing to stab her, she grabs a hammer on the ground and hits him in the head with it*

Dominic: FUCK! *he's knocked to the side. Mia gets up and starts bashing his head with it. Even though his head is mostly caved in, right before the final blow, Dominic says one more thing. He's no longer acting depressed, he now has a menacing grin*

Dominic: The real fun is just beginning.

*Mia screams and lands the final blow, killing him*

*she walks out of the toolshed, injured and tired. Everything is quiet finally. Until....*

*Dominic crawls out of the toolshed, laughing. Nora, Evelyn and Oscar all follow suit, crawling out of the cabin, also laughing. It's quiet at first, but as they get closer to Mia, the laughter gets louder. They surround her. Mia quickly looks around her, as the things that were once her friends start to close in, laughing louder and louder. Suddenly....*

*Mia starts to laugh too. Everything is just too much for her, she hollers with laughter along with the creatures, who start to melt into puddles of blood, still laughing. After they're all gone, she continues to laugh. But that laughter soon starts to slowly turn into crying. Soon, she kneels on the ground, her eyes tightly shut, sobbing uncontrollably*

*when she opens them, the Naturum Demonto is on the ground in front of her, open to this page....*


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*....and she knows that the fight isn't over. Something wet hits the back of her neck. She wipes it off with her hand and looks. It's blood. Another drop hits the book. And another. And another. She looks up to the sky, it begins raining blood*

*Suddenly, an arm shoots of the ground and grabs her wrist, it burns to the touch and Mia screams as she shakes out of its grip and backs up as it rises from the ground. It's an evil doppelgänger of her. She's fought this thing before*

Evil Mia: Did you miss me? Cause I sure as fuck missed YOU! *as she yells YOU she grabs Mia's leg tightly, it's harder for her to break free so it burns longer*

*Mia gets up and runs, Evil Mia comes after her*

Evil Mia: You should've killed yourself when you had the chance!

*Mia runs to the Jeep, the keys are there, she tries to start it but it won't start. Evil Mia runs towards her, but she swings the door open with perfect timing and Evil Mia runs right into it*

*Mia runs again*

Evil Mia: Your friends are waiting for you in hell!

*In the toolshed, Mia spots the chainsaw. She runs and grabs it. She puts her arm stump through the handle and revs up the chainsaw*

Evil Mia: I'll feast on your soul! *she lunges at Mia, who saws off her arm. Evil Mia lunges again and loses her legs*

Evil Mia: You may think you've won, but we'll always come after you. No matter how hard you try, you'll always be that pathetic junkie bitch you were before! There's a darkness coming that you can't stop, and when it comes, you'll be the first one we feast o—HRGH!

*Mia impales Evil Mia with the chainsaw*

Mia: Shut up shut up SHUT UP! *she revs it up and saws upward, blood goes everywhere all over the already blood soaked place. Evil Mia is finally dead, she melts into a puddle of blood that seeps into the ground immediately as the blood rain stops*

*Mia, soaked in blood, angry, terrified, breathing uncontrollably, quickly looks around. But everything is quiet. Finally. As the sun begins to rise, Mia drops the chainsaw, grabs the Naturum Demonto and puts it under her left arm and walks off into the forest, dragging the chainsaw behind her. And as she heads to look for a nearby town, one thought races through her head*

What did that abomination mean by there being a darkness coming?

NEXT: Back to Ash!

Mia Allen will return

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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