Mia Allen and the Monsters of the Mind Chapter 2

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*Mia and her friends are at the dining room table eating breakfast, Mia though is sitting at the end of the table, looking down, not saying a word*

Oscar: So gang, it's our first day here, what do we wanna do first?

Dominic: Maybe Mia should decide. The trip is for her after all. *he and everyone else look over at her, she doesn't say word*

Evelyn: Your call Mia. What'll help you relax the most?

Mia: ...you guys go do what you want. I think I'm gonna go back to bed.

Oscar: Mia, things aren't going to get any better by shutting yourself in.

Nora: C'mon honey. We're worried about you. You haven't said anything all morning. You haven't even touched your food.

Mia: ...I'm not hungry.

*everyone just kinda looks at each other, trying to figure out what to say*

Nora: *sits next to Mia* I'll tell you what. I'm not really one for all this nature stuff, myself, maybe you and I get in my car, we find a nearby mall, let's get you an Orange Julius and some fancy new outfits?

Mia: ...no thanks...

Evelyn: Why don't we all go for a swim in the lake out in the back? *she sits next to Mia*

Evelyn: Or Mia, you don't have to swim if you don't want to, you can just sit, relax, get some sun on you. *she grabs her hand* but you can't just stay all cooped up in here all weekend long hon'. It's not healthy. So whadaya say?

Mia: ...

*everyone looks at her*

Mia: ...ok...

Oscar: Alright, it's settled!

Mia: I'm gonna go change...

Nora: Alright sweetie.

*Mia walks off slowly. They wait until she's gone*

Oscar: She's been getting worse. Even since before Sheila's death, her behavior's always been concerning but this is a new low.

Evelyn: *to Nora* The mall? Really?

Nora: What? It was just an idea.

Oscar: Nora the idea is to keep Mia away from the general public for the weekend.

Nora: Jeez, I was just trying to help.

Evelyn: No you just wanted to go the ma—

Dominic: Alright alright everyone calm down. Let's not turn this into an argument. Let's just have some fun and take care of our friend.

*Evelyn and Nora walk off to change*

Oscar: Best keep an eye on your girl, pal. *walks off to change*

*Dominic just shakes his head*

*Meanwhile, Mia pulls a bathing suit out of her clothing bag. She glances over at her backpack full of other things. She unzips it, and pulls out a revolver, with one bullet in the chamber. She turns the gun over in her hand. She pulls back the hammer, shuts her eyes tight, and slowly holds the gun under her chin. She stands, frozen, breathing heavily, finger hovering over the trigger*

Dominic: *from outside* Mia! You coming?

*She puts the gun down*

Mia: I'll be right out! *she looks around and hides the gun in the closet, and walks off*

*But she forgot to close her backpack. And peeking inside, is the Naturum Demonto.

*Soon, outside, everyone is at the lake. Oscar, Nora, and Evelyn are swimming, Mia is just sitting in a chair on the deck. Dominic walks up to her*

Dominic: You good?

Mia: Yeah....

Dominic: ...Listen, you know, Sheila was actually a really good friend of mine.

Mia: Yeah. I know.

Dominic: I miss her too. And I just want you to know—

Nora: Hey Dominic! You coming in or what? I'll make it worth your while!

Dominic: In a minute!

*Nora looks unhappy*

Dominic: Anyway, I just want you to know, whenever she and I hung out, or were chatting in the halls at college, all she ever talked about was you and how great you were. She really loved you.

Mia: ...thanks.

*Nora unhappily watches as Dominic talks with Mia*

Evelyn: What's up?

Nora: Why does she get all the attention? I'm his girlfriend not her.

Evelyn: Nora...

Nora: I mean she's bi she'll probably fuck him if he just asks nicely already.

Oscar: Hey! You wanna watch it? I don't know if you've noticed but she's depressed on account of she just lost her own girlfriend!

Nora: I'm just saying he's giving her a lot more attention all day.

Evelyn: C'mon Nora, you know that whenever Dominic sees someone in pain he drops everything to help. He's been there when all of us were at our lowest points. He's just a sweet guy. Don't you remember? That's what attracted you to him in the first place.

Oscar: *scoffs* That or she sees him as naïve.

*Evelyn glares at him*

Oscar: Ok ok....

Nora: I guess....

Dominic: Look Mia. The thing is....we're not just doing this to help you get over Sheila's death. The truth is, there's been a darkness in you for the last few years that's just been festering and growing. We all see it. We're just trying to help because we love you and we're scared for you. So please...just try to relax a little this weekend ok?

*Mia looks up at him and doesn't say a word for a second. Until...*

Mia: Ok.

Dominic: *smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder* Alright. *he turns and faces the water* Stand back ladies! *he runs and jumps off the dock* Cannonball! *and cannonballs into the water, splashing Mia, who laughs*

Evelyn: I see a smile!

Oscar: Come on Mia! The water's fine!

Mia: ...*after a second, she jumps in, splashing everyone*

*everyone except Nora cheers, and they all splash fight. But Nora can't help but glare at Dominic and Mia....*

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