Ash Williams and the Night of the Living Furries Chapter 3

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*Ash and the woman are running through the ruined city. As zombie furries run at them Ash swipes at them with his chainsaw. They duck into an alleyway*

Ash: Alright they won't find us here. What's your name lady?

Woman: Katrina.

Ash: Well, Katrina, as I said before don't worry, I know how to fix all this.

Woman: And just how are you gonna do that?

Ash: I know a guy who can read this *holds up the Necronomicon* he owns a shop down the block. I don't know if he's still there on account of I've been asleep for 700 years and was supposed to wake up in the 80s but it's my only shot at saving the world. Now let's go!

*they continue running through the carnage until Ash spots a run down looking antique shop*

Ash: In here! Can't believe it's still up! *they run in*

Ash: Let's see if he's here...*calls out* Randolph? Rando—YIKES!!

*a bullet just barely misses him, and an angry looking old man aiming a rifle walks out*

Ash: Heyheyhey Randolph it's me! Ash!

Randolph: *lowers gun* ...Ash? Ash Williams? (He has a British accent)

Ash: Long time no see buddy.

Randolph: You've been missing for over 30 years!

Ash: Long story.

Randolph: look wonderful! You haven't aged a day!

Ash: Heh, also long story. But no time! I need your help!

Randolph: Anything my friend!

Ash: Remember that cabin I told you I was going to all those years ago? The stop on the way to Jacksonville?

Randall: Yes, yes, where your friends were murdered and you condolences, Ash.

Ash: Yeah yeah well look so I found this book there.  *holds up the Necronomicon*

Randolph: Gasp! *winces in shock by the sight of the book with the face on it*

Ash: Yeahyeahyeah it's ugly I know. Look it's the root of all this evil that's going on! I know you're good with dead languages I need you to find the passage in here that can reverse all this zombie animal people shit!

Randolph: ...Uh...I shall do my best my friend. Let me see the book.

Ash: *hands him the book*

Randolph: I shall start right away.

Ash: Ok we'll keep watch while you do that.

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