Mia Allen and the Monsters of the Mind Chapter 5

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*Mia is lying on the ground having a panic attack*

Oscar: Hey it's alright, you got her.

Dominic: Just breathe ok? Breathe.

Mia: *breathes slowly and starts to calm down*

Dominic: Alright listen these things are messing with our minds alright?

Oscar: How do you figure?

Dominic: Well, Nora was pissed because she thought I liked Mia, and now she's that angry thing in the bedroom over there. Evelyn ran out in fear, and now when she was that thing she acted terrified of us. I think these things are heightening our emotions and using that to make us kill each other.

Oscar: So what do we do?

Dominic: We need to remain calm.

Oscar: Oh sure that shouldn't be hard at all.

Mia: I....I have a gun...in my closet....top shelf...one bullet....in case things....get worse....

Oscar: ....why do you have a gun with one bullet?

Mia: ....

Dominic: That's not important right now. I'll get it. Oscar, stay with her.

Oscar: Alright.

*Dominic walks down the hallway and enters the bedroom. He feels around in the top shelf of the closet until he finds the gun. He grabs it, then he opens the chamber, he sees the one bullet in it*

Dominic: Sigh...oh Mia.

*he turns around to leave, Nora is right behind him. He screams as she knocks him to the ground*


Dominic: Nora stop! I know you're in the—


*Oscar and Mia run in, Oscar has the axe*

Oscar: SHIT!

Dominic: *raises the gun but she knocks it out of his hands and scratches his face, he yelps at the pain*

Nora: *she gets really close to his face* I'm really gonna enjoy this. *she slowly licks the side of his face on the scratch, he winces* Don't worry dear. I won't be gentle. *immediately she squeezes his throat*

Dominic: hggggh...

Nora: I HOPE SHE WAS WORTH IT YOU FUCK! I'M GOING TO—*suddenly she gets shot, the bullet goes right through her head and her eye. She looks over, Mia, shaking, has the gun*

Nora: Filthy whore.

Oscar: *screaming, he runs over and splits her head down the middle, and she finally dies*

*Dominic sits up, panting, he stares at Nora's dead body*

Dominic: Oh my god....

Oscar: You alright man? *he helps him up, but he's still shook*

Dominic: ....oh god Nora....

Oscar: She was long gone pal.

Dominic: I....I know....

Oscar: C'mon, we're all good now, there's no more of those things. We're gonna go in the living room, we're gonna sit down, and wait for dawn. You've always been helping us, let me help you.

*Oscar puts one arm around the shocked and depressed Dominic and the other around the still shocked and shaking Mia, and leads them back into the living room, where they sit down*

Oscar: Hey. You guys hear that?

Mia: ....hear what?

Dominic: I don't...hear anything....

Oscar: Exactly. Things are quiet for the first time in hours. Just calm down.

*Mia and Dominic are still shaking*

Mia: *eyes the knives on the table*

You know what to do

Mia: *still eyeing them*

Do it

Mia: *sticks out her hand slowly*

Do it

Mia: *reaches for a knife*

Oscar: *looks over*...Mia?

Do it

Mia: *grabs a knife*

Oscar: What are you doing?


Oscar: MIA NO!

Mia: *plunges the knife deep into her side and collapses*

Oscar: SHIT!

Dominic: Nora had a variety pack of bandages in her bag! Some of them are big enough to cover that until we can get her to a hospital! *he runs off to grab them*

Oscar: Oh god oh god oh god...

*Dominic comes back with them*

Oscar: *frantically covers her wound up* C'mon Mia wake up! Wake up!

*She's not waking up*

Oscar: *listens to see if she's breathing* Fuck, she's not breathing! And she has no pulse! Help me get her on the ground! *they lower her off the couch and onto the ground*

Oscar: Come on...*he starts doing chest compressions* Breathe Mia! Breathe!

Dominic: *not much he can do, he stares*

You're losing your friends.
First Nora, then Evelyn, now Mia's going to die.
Probably for the best.
Life is meaningless.
All we can hope for is the void.
You want to help people don't you?
Set him free.
Set him free from the prison that is life.
And if she wakes, free her too.

Oscar: ....*still doing chest compressions when Mia suddenly wakes up, gasping*

Oscar: Mia! You're alive! You're—HUNH! *a knife goes through his chest, and he starts coughing up blood. He looks up, and there's Dominic, holding the knife, his eyes gone demonic. Oscar reaches up at him but Dominic digs his nails into Oscar's arm and throws it down, leaving bloody scratches*

Dominic: *his voice like Evelyn's and Nora's* It's better this way Oscar. Life is meaningless.

Oscar: ....*tries to speak but chokes. He collapses to the ground, dead*

Mia: *staring in shock, as Dominic looks down on her*

Dominic: Let me free you, Mia. After all, that's why you did that in the first place, isn't it?

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