Mia Allen and the Monsters of the Mind Chapter 4

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*Mia, Evelyn, Dominic and Oscar are in the living room*

Mia: You guys kept talking about how you saw a darkness in me getting worse...well, I should tell you where it came from.

*she walks off, to her room. She comes back with the Naturum Demonto*

Mia: It all started with this book....*and she explains everything. Her former drug addiction, the incident at the cabin those few years ago, everything*

*after she tells her story, everyone just sits in silence and shock*

*until after what felt like an eternity...*

Evelyn: ...so...so whatever's got Nora, it came from that book?

Mia: *silently nods*

Evelyn: So...who read from it?

Nora: It was me! And I'd fucking do it again too if it meant killing that cheating fuck Dominic!

Oscar: Oh god SHUT UP!

Mia: From what I've read, it needs five sacrifices to summon a stronger entity. Nora's one....so it'll come after the rest of us next.

Oscar: ....so what do we do?

Evelyn: We should leave.

Mia: We can't. We don't know what else is out there, we gotta wait until dawn. Besides, there's something different about these monsters than the ones I fought.

Evelyn: Until dawn? Our friend is a fucking demon and who knows which one of us is next and you want us to just sit tight?

Dominic: She's right Evelyn.

Evelyn: Fuck that! Fuck you guys! I'm out of here! *she runs for the door*

Oscar: Evelyn wait!

*but she runs out the door and into the night*

Dominic: Fuck!

*Evelyn runs into the night, into the woods. She trips over a branch. But when she tries to get up, something grabs her leg. It's a vine, wrapped around her leg. She screams as another vine wraps around her other leg, then another on one arm, and then the other, she screams even more as the branches tighten and the fear overwhelms her*

*Meanwhile, back at the cabin...*

*Mia and Dominic are in the kitchen grabbing knives to defend themselves because things will most likely go south*

*Mia grabs a long carving knife from a drawer, she looks down at it, resting it on the counter*

Do it

*she grips it tighter*

Everyone will die anyway.
Might as well go out on your own terms.

*she starts sweating*

Do it

*she starts breathing heavily*

Do it

*she starts to lift it*

Dominic: *puts his hand on her shoulder* Mia?

Mia: *she snaps out of it*

Dominic: Come on. *they walk back out *

*they put the knives on the living room table*

Oscar: That's it?

Dominic: It's all we have right now.

Oscar: What about that toolshed on the side of the cabin?

Dominic: No one person should be left alone with Nora. She's too dangerous.

Oscar: Ok...I hope Evelyn's ok and that she comes back. Those woods stretch for miles.

*meanwhile, in the woods...*

*Evelyn lays on the ground, in the mud. She's so scared she can barely move. All she can do is lay there and tremble*

You're trapped.
This place is evil.
You saw what happened to Nora.
It'll happen to your other friends too, and they'll kill you.
If you don't do something about it.

*she stands up, panting, looking around frantically*

The toolshed on the side of the cabin.
Maybe there's something you can use to defend yourself.

*She runs back to the cabin and into the toolshed. She looks around for a weapon of any kind, until she spots...*

Hanging up.
An axe.

*still shaking, she slowly grabs the axe from off the wall and leaves the toolshed*

Now kill them.
Kill them before they kill you.

*from inside the cabin, everyone sees the door swing open with Evelyn standing there, clutching an axe, her eyes have the same demonic look as Nora's*

Oscar: What the f—

*Evelyn screams as she runs at him, holding the axe above her head, and swings at him. Dominic pulls him out of the way*

Evelyn: I won't let you guys hurt me!

Oscar: What the fuck are you talking about?!

Mia: Her eyes!

Oscar: How the fuck is this happening?!

*Evelyn screams and runs at the group again. Dominic quickly grabs a knife and stabs her in the shoulder as she comes at him. Evelyn drops the axe*

Evelyn: YOU SON OF A BITCH! I KNEW YOU WANTED TO HURT ME! *she tackles him to the ground and wraps her fingers around his neck. Mia and Oscar try to pull her off him but Evelyn knocks them back*

Evelyn: I WON'T LET YOU! *she tightens her grip on his neck*

*Mia grabs a meat cleaver from the knife pile and sneaks up behind her. She raises it over her head when...*

Nora: Behind you! The whore!

*Evelyn looks up and sees her, but it's too late. Mia digs the cleaver into her skull, and Evelyn falls to the floor, releasing her grip on Dominic*

*Mia stands over Evelyn with the cleaver, she raises it to swing*

Evelyn: No...no...plea—!

*Mia chops off her head. Evelyn is dead. Dominic and Oscar watch in shock. Mia, shaking, drops the cleaver and drops to the floor. Dominic and Oscar run over and comfort her*

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