First story: Ash Williams and the Night of the Living Furries Chapter 1

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*Ash is home at his apartment watching TV*

Ash: Holy shit this Shrek movie is incredible! I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as this!

*the news interrupts*

News: We interrupt this program to bring you this important news!

Ash: Aw no! No no no no! *frantically looks for the remote*

News: The town is being overrun by zombie furries!

Ash: Zombie what now?

*the tv switches to a shot of the town overrun by zombie furries*

Reporter: We don't know what caused it but they're infecting everyone! It's so horrifying it's— away from me!

Zombie Fox furry: Join us UwU!

Reporter: No, don't touch me! AAAAAAAAA!

*the zombie furry bites him*

Ash: But how could this have—oh no.

*flashback to the night before, where Ash had a girl over and they got super high*

Ash: Heh, hey you wanna see some crazy shit?

*pulls out the necronomicon*

Girl: Wow what's that?

Ash: The Necronomicon, book of the damned.

Girl: Wicked.

Ash: *takes a puff* if you read from it you'll release demons*

Girl: Whoa...dare you read from it.

Ash: Ok...*reads a passage*

*flashback over*

Ash: ...ah shit. I gotta stop getting high. Welp, time to go kick some ass.

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